I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

know what this is ?

Uhh, duh, I'm too "tupid to know dat. It's bronze star which is a fairly common award even for meritorious achievement. They give them to drone operators for launching a hellfire against high rated targets even. I'd of expected no less than a silver star from all the bragging you do. It's a nice picture though, surprised you haven't posted your MOH yet.
Was that for offing ho chi minh.
Uhh, duh, I'm too "tupid to know dat. It's bronze star which is a fairly common award even for meritorious achievement. They give them to drone operators for launching a hellfire against high rated targets even. I'd of expected no less than a silver star from all the bragging you do. It's a nice picture though, surprised you haven't posted your MOH yet.
Was that for offing ho chi minh.
Dumb ass it is a silver star
Dumb ass it is a silver star

Guess my eyesight is bad because I can't see any silver star in the center. Who put you in for that, the same commander that threw away his career and pension just to get you the m-16 you supposedly carrier while there. That's the biggest no no there is giving weapons away. I will say this, Audie Murphy has nothing on you! Bet he'd hang his head in embarrassed shame.
Damn should have known, you never did anything but talk, you don’t even know VN metal when you see one

At least I admit I'm all talk and no action. Just like you come to think of it.
What's funny is my Dad, his brother and lots of his friends were in WW-2 and he never talked about it or wanted to. All you do is brag brag brag and it's getting tiring having it thrown in our faces all the time if true. Can only imagine what it would be if you had been in the civil rights movement, oh, oh, now I've done it. Will you tell us how you broke the sound barrier in the X-1 before it was even a twinkle in Chuck Yeager's eye. Please! Pretty please! Pretty please with a great big strawberry on top!!!
Guess my eyesight is bad because I can't see any silver star in the center. Who put you in for that, the same commander that threw away his career and pension just to get you the m-16 you supposedly carrier while there. That's the biggest no no there is giving weapons away. I will say this, Audie Murphy has nothing on you! Bet he'd hang his head in embarrassed shame.
Biggest no no, man were you even a club scout. WW2 they came home with whatever they had , Korea was not as bad but close, Vietnam wasn’t a whole lot better. You don’t know what your talking about. You where not there.
Biggest no no, man were you even a club scout. WW2 they came home with whatever they had , Korea was not as bad but close, Vietnam wasn’t a whole lot better. You don’t know what your talking about. You where not there.
KC how about ending this back and forth. This is stupid. The war for me was 50 years ago. Let’s just forget about this shit.
You just love to engage in personal attacks don't you?
Jerry one other thing there are many people on this forum that have known me for years and know first hand about me and family. However they stay away for this kind of stuff. Guess I should to
Ga. Shocker: Warnock Beats Loeffler, Perdue Race Too Close to Call | Newsmax.com
Stacey Abrams and crew have pulled it off.
Think the patriots still have a chance? Guess again!
This is just the beginning of the worst, crooked, illegal administration, in the history of this nation.
These 2 scumbags will complete the down hill spiral into socialism, communism, free shit for all, the demise of the law enforcement structure, and interest rates that'll run chills down your spine.
Throw in a total reversal of our foreign policy, and the banana republic is born.....
A sad, sad day, for a once proud nation.:mad:
Not surprised by the result. They think they have gotten away with it once so why not run the same play if they can win with it.
At least I admit I'm all talk and no action. Just like you come to think of it.
What's funny is my Dad, his brother and lots of his friends were in WW-2 and he never talked about it or wanted to. All you do is brag brag brag and it's getting tiring having it thrown in our faces all the time if true. Can only imagine what it would be if you had been in the civil rights movement, oh, oh, now I've done it. Will you tell us how you broke the sound barrier in the X-1 before it was even a twinkle in Chuck Yeager's eye. Please! Pretty please! Pretty please with a great big strawberry on top!!!
There is a saying about veterans that talk (brag) about the things they did while in action...................
Jerry give leave this alone, unless you were a club scout, then what’s the point .?
Just a point of parliamentary procedure, no, not really, but wth is a club scout?

I've heard of Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Boy Scouts (who now let in girls so we no longer need the Girl Scouts) but I am totally unfamiliar with club scouts.