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Totally agree. I for one have not given up. Lots of dirty stuff starting to come out about what and who happened at the Capitol yesterday. The republi"cons" are worse than any demonrat because these scum play both sides from the middle. Not all but most. Almost all go to dc worth $10k and on a salary of $180k a year are multi millionaires at the end of 2 years.
Sorry KC, I'm a veteran as well but I worship no man. There are a few that I highly respect, but none that I worship. There is only one that I worship and he is not a man.

Jus' sayin.

You sir are 150% right. Was used as a sarcastic way of making a point.

Yup, I bet this is what 80%+ of these bastards are being blackmailed with and the others with bribes and other high crimes. The royals and rothchild family have been reported to be filthy for centuries. The vatican being the richest entity in the world has deep secrets too. They even have a space telescope in AZ names lucifer, really!
I'd like to see the Catholics demand a total investigation into the vatican, they deserve no less since they finance a large portion of it.
They're going to try it.
Now big bus is going after other congress members, for signing on to the protest of votes.
A big publisher is refusing to publish Hawley's book, because of his decision.
The real investigation needs to ID, and prosecute the antifa/blm crowd, that were at the forefront of all the shit.
Won't happen. The new fag AG will put a screeching halt to all of this, and the swamp investigations, too.
Watch for it.
My "dream": 2 Demorat senators flip parties! Out of the 50, I'd hope that at least 2 are decent people, with a sense of right/wrong.
This situation is going to simmer for a long time....when the left least expects it, it'll blow up, in their face. This includes the Rinos, that thot because they have an "R" in their title, that they are immune.
Sadly, we have 2 yrs to put up with this shit.
As long as REAL patriots don't forget, the next election is going to be a spectacle to behold.
The biggest obstacle I see is, the left will refuse to clean up the crooked voting processes. Why would they? It's what got them to where they are, now.
Hope I make it long enough to see the karma take hold!:D
Repeal 230
(Wonder how much money was exchanged under the table to pass that.)

First our guns - 2A
Next our free speech - 1A
Than the right to travel - 5A

The end times!