I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Hopefully I grabbed it correctly, a little levity in the darkenss :)
Something is happening right now. Anyone here seen anything?
Salty is on at 8:30 EST and he'll have the latest. He'll likely use DLIVE as Youtube is shutting down anything Conservative. Salty gave a hint where Air Force 1 was headed on a link I posted this morning.
TEXIT is sounding better every single day going fwd. Just saying . . . .

Lets not get too hasty yet. Funny, where did President Trump go Wednesday and is right now, Texas. Don't know why but I'm even more sure that President Trump will remain President.
This situation is going to simmer for a long time....when the left least expects it, it'll blow up, in their face. This includes the Rinos, that thot because they have an "R" in their title, that they are immune.
Sadly, we have 2 yrs to put up with this shit.
As long as REAL patriots don't forget, the next election is going to be a spectacle to behold.
The biggest obstacle I see is, the left will refuse to clean up the crooked voting processes. Why would they? It's what got them to where they are, now.
Hope I make it long enough to see the karma take hold!:D

The thing now is this has to be stopped now. In 2 years they'll have their fraud and cheating down to an art and no patriot will ever again be elected. President will act because if he doesn't his family and he are done. ALL DONE and he knows it.