I was barely able to push the intake back on TB, so that was tight before it came off. It fired right up,no light. Drove1/3 mi home,parked it. Might have heard a VERY slight ticking from joint at up-pipe.
Today I went out to check things out. Dead battery,which I never really checked because it fired right up. BUT..
I disconnected intake tube to check it out. I heard some thing inside ratteling. Pulled filter and the front screen from MAF was almost bent in half,broken retainer clips also.
The battery is on charger,IAT sensor re-sealed and new plug sealed in place.
Will hook up TL wed and see if it tells me anything. No oil floating in rad, no water on dipstick, plug wires on ect.
NOW WTF happened?? I never heard of this one. Like I said ran smooth on the drive home.