Interesting Email I got. Please Read....

Apr 12, 2005
Are we Americans as dumb as we appear or is it that we just do not think? While the Chinese, knowingly and intentionally, export inferior products and dangerous toys and goods to be sold in American markets, the media wrings its hands and criticizes the Bush Administration for perceived errors. Yet 70% of Americans believe that the trading privileges
afforded to the Chinese should be suspended. Well, duh..why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges? DO IT YOURSELF!!

Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says 'Made in China' or 'PRC' (and that now includes Hong Kong), simply choose another product or none at all. You will be amazed at how dependent you are on Chinese products, however you will be equally amazed at what you can do without. Who needs plastic eggs to celebrate Easter? If you must have eggs, use real ones and benefit some American farmer. Easter is just an example, the point is.. do not wait for the government to act. Just go ahead and assume control on your own.
If 200 million Americans refuse to buy just $20 each of Chinese goods, that's a billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our!! The downside? Some American businesses will feel a temporary pinch from having foreign stockpiles of inventory. ** Downside ??

The solution ?
Let's give them fair warning and send our own message. We
will not implement this UNTIL June 4, and we will only continue it until July 4. That is only one month of trading losses, but it will hit the Chinese for 1/12th of the total, or 8%, of their American exports. Then they will at least have to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness were worth it.
Remember, June 4 to July 4.
Send this to everybody you know.
Show them we are Americans
and NOBODY can take us for granted.
If we can't live without cheap Chinese
goods for one month out of our lives,
Pass it on America
Already practice this 24/7/365.

Sometimes its unavoidable on little items, but I especially go out of my way to not purchase 'Made in China' products.
Ya know I walked through HF one day and Id swea the only thing I spotted made in America was A Stanley Tape

funny but sad...kinda like all the toxic radioactive crap that got burried in the rubble and all the gieger counters going off
I like that walmart is there. I'm not a walmart basher AT ALL...I just choose not to shop there. Last time I went with my gf, I pissed her off because I walked around and looked at the bottom of everything....about 90% of what I picked up was made in china. No thanks.
I like that walmart is there. I'm not a walmart basher AT ALL...I just choose not to shop there. Last time I went with my gf, I pissed her off because I walked around and looked at the bottom of everything....about 90% of what I picked up was made in china. No thanks.

Does anyone remember when Wal-Mart sold all 'Made in America' products?

Sam Walton is spinning in his grave.
Does anyone remember when Wal-Mart sold all 'Made in America' products?

Yep! Just look in the food dept!

Oh boy! What a bunch of hypocrites. If you're going to do a boycott do it 100% or not at all. Screw China! What about the rest of the world? Is Australia any different? What about Europe? Mexico?Are we any different? IIRC most idiots think Detroits downfall was crappy products. Forty years later and people still dont have a clue. Go all the way. Walk into that dealer and look at the material contents line of the window sticker. If it doesn't say 100% born in the USA than just walk away.And walking is just what you'll be doing. Heck park the damn truck because they don't make tires here anymore.Screw the fact that you support the 3rd world everytime you fill up the tank. No sense in doing your boycott halfa$$. What you fail to do is look at the bigger picture. 200 billion is a drop in the bucket.Heck our government spends that much every 12 hours. Here's something that is never mentioned in those stupid e-mails. Lets just say that for example that we pass a law that said no more trading. No more imports and no more exports. Put the dollar figures on lost jobs, lost productivity. Yep it would have been better for us if we just started WW3 and ended it quickly. And that is why this type of boycott never works. Who are we really hurting in the short and long term? It aint them!:mad:

Okay off my soapbox(made in China of course.Made from crappy cardboard, not the heavy cardboard we use here.). Lets use Japan as an example. Lets all remember our 5th grade social studies class. Back in the post WW2 years Japan had the same reputation that China has now. And look what happen with that country. :eek:
Unfortunately just about every electronic thing we own has some part made from China.
A little perspective here. Whether this email boycott has potential or not..the bottom line is the heart of it is to wake people up to pay attention and put America first.

Is China our allie? Australia is, but Australia and Europe are not pumping out almost every kind of product known to man.

The point is to make a concious decision before grabbing the cheapest priced item out of your choices. Problem is most don't care about quality and just want to save a buck.

We are building China's economy so fast its making oil prices go up and bringing our dollar down.

Bottom line is don't go on ebay or walk into a department store and buy a whole patio furniture set for $150 and think you're getting a deal because it says Martha Stewart on it.

Its pure junk that wont last.
Maybe we'll stop buying cheap Wal-Mart garbage when it doesn't cost $50 to fill up the gas tank.
what about the parts whores we have right here in our small Buick community selling junk china girdles, headers & other cheap crap? if you can not afford the good stuff right away, save a little longer the buy it once & forget it.
what about the parts whores we have right here in our small Buick community selling junk china girdles, headers & other cheap crap? if you can not afford the good stuff right away, save a little longer the buy it once & forget it.

This is why I have to ask vendors before I buy. I refuse to support China's economy. I have never seen anything but cheap junk come from China.
I am making an effort not to buy anything made in China anymore, but it is proving extremely difficult. I went to several clothing stores to buy some new clothes, and couldn't believe what I found. Not one piece of clothing made in the US! I went to Jos. A Banks, Ralph Lauren, Old Navy, AMERICAN Eagle, and several others. What a disappointment. I am willing to pay extra to get a better quality product and to support the US economy, but i am having a hard time even doing that!
I bought a Brand New Milwaukee cordless drill with some new lithium battery. Get home, open it, check it out, MADE IN CHINA!!
Last night I got a Craftsman roll away tool box. MADE IN CHINA!!
Its like you cant win!!
This email still assumes we have a country left.

Sorry guys but it's over. You're trying to apply a bandaid when we need a tourniquet.

We have open borders, our politicians give our money away to foreigners, they give away our sovereignty to the UN, we have more troops guarding the border between N and South Korea than we have troops guarding our own border.

I go down the street and I see that someone has defaced and torn down an American Flag that someone painted on a large board on their property. Over half the people in this area aren't even US citizens. And there is a good chance those cheap "made in the USA" products you buy is made by them.

Unless a miracle of unbelievable proportions happens and we suddenly have an educated nationalist populace (wont happen with public day care, I mean schools), a massive emigration of recent immigrants, the US of the 1900s is done for. This is going to be China's century until/if they decide to give it away like we did.

A country can't be everything to everyone. What we have today is a country thats trying, and failing.

Reminds me of an analogy I like to tell people.

A country is like a night club. At one point it opens and people are let in. To keep the club nice the door man and bouncers are there to keep the riff raff out. Once you get rid of the doorman and bouncers the club goes to sh*t and no one wants to be there anymore.