Iraq Attack In Next 7 Days?

Two Lane

New Member
Feb 24, 2002
Place your best guess/gut-feeling re: timing of full-on attack.

( Here's a "YES" for within next 7 days---> between Wednesday & Saturday )

Addendum: [18th/19th/20th]
The sooner the better! O.K. O.K. Friday the 22nd. What's the prize? an end to all this crazyness.
Nah they are still going to give him at least 3 or 4 more last chance deadlines...
Originally posted by njturbo
No more talk from the UN. It is time to drop some bombs:D :cool:
President Bush agree's with you njturbo:D He has given Monday as the last day for diplomacy at the UN to work! I say the war will start Monday night...Tuesday morning.
Did you read in the paper about the many suicide bombers Iroq has and that they have our military uniforms to wear when they shoot women and children in front of the news cameras. Hope it's not true.
Originally posted by 6pack
President Bush agree's with you njturbo:D He has given Monday as the last day for diplomacy at the UN to work! I say the war will start Monday night...Tuesday morning.

I'm traveling this week to Seattle, I hope nothing happens while I'm away...I do think it will be soon though.
Originally posted by MeanBuicks
Seattle doesn't have TV yet? :p

Nah, I'm sure they do, not sure if they get a reception w/all the rain tho :) Just don't wanna be across the country away from the family...ya know
The inspectors better get the hell guess - Wedensday the 19th. At this point, I think its pretty safe to say we will be at war this time next week, anyway you look at it.
Originally posted by striker_29
The inspectors better get the hell guess - Wedensday the 19th. At this point, I think its pretty safe to say we will be at war this time next week, anyway you look at it.
LOL :D I completely forgot about the inspectors:eek: You are probably right on the ball with Wednesday Mark;) I gotta get over there to see your car....I only live 2 freakin miles away:D
I see on Fox the inspectors have already started to skin out, maybe they arent so dumb after all. Drop me a line, swing by anytime Gary:)
If Bush is calling the UN out it is going to happen real soon. Good enough of the UN:rolleyes: