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Issue with a vendor on this board


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Aug 24, 2015
Don't know if this is the right section to be putting this in and if it's not the moderators can move it just wanted to throw a little bit of information out there about a vendor on this board that I gave $250 to to help him out on getting some custom rods built from Tom at Molnar and in return I was supposed to receive a set of these rods at cost, Tyler otherwise known as Marley skater 420 or something like that also known as boosted RPS ask me if he could sell my set of rods since my engine was not ready and he would split the profit with me which was going to be splitting $900 so I said that would be fine, about a year has passed now and he said that he did not have another set of rods that he could sell me so I said that's fine send me one of the forged Steel stroker cranks and he said he would but he could not sell the rods for the price he told me originally so I would only be receiving about a third of what he told me originally I said that was BS but fine just give me the crankshaft for cost plus shipping and he said he would do that, that was a month-and-a-half ago when I asked him what the problem was he said that he was waiting on somebody name Reggie I guess he's on this board also but don't know him anyway I sent him the shipping information and he said he would get that out once he got a price on the shipping cost but never heard from him now he will not answer my texts or phone calls then I asked just for my 250 back because I was sick of messing with him and he won't even send that back so just a warning to anybody on this board I would suggest not doing business with this guy at all. I know I'm not going to get my money back now for sure but one of the things about the turbo Buick guys on this board is everybody pretty much sticks together I build a lot of engines Transmissions rear ends in alot of Chevrolet,LS and old-school stuff as well as turbobuick stuff this is not my main gig but I do enjoy these cars and love them dearly as I have a Twin Turbo stage 2 car plus a 80000 mile t top show car that I drive, and I will say that most of the guys on this board stick together so this is just a word of advice and wanting you guys to know what kind of person he is you have a great chance of getting stung if you're dealing with him at all so I just thought I would let people on this board know
sorry to hear this. That fellow started off with a big bunch of ideas and fan fare but I'm guessing the business end is harder than it looks on the outside looking in. I know we have seen a lot of vendors come and go in my 35 or so yrs messing with Buick stuff.
Along with his snarky ass remarks on posts that got deleted... A couple times..And then removed before many people got to see it... He was blacklisted on my end a while ago...... Mike
I moved to the correct forum...
Thanks and this is been going on for a while I'm just not one to call people out but I feel like after he did me wrong on the crankshaft deal that was the last straw and I feel like people should know so they didn't get stung as most people on here are here are pretty good people whether we agree or disagree on certain issues this is one we can all agree on which is any time that somebody gets stung we should stick together and not allow this to happen as a group
Along with his snarky ass remarks on posts that got deleted... A couple times..And then removed before many people got to see it... He was blacklisted on my end a while ago...... Mike
I agree with that I spoke to him on the phone numerous times and helped him on a whole bunch of questions he had about this stuff because I'm 51 years old and been in this field virtually my whole life and the funny thing is he's never even had a car together never raced, never even built an engine ,all the information that he's giving everybody on the board is just information that's been funneled to him or that he's reading
Thanks Nick I appreciate it I'm not worried about it and it was just $250 let the snot-nosed kid have it by the way apologize to you about not getting back to you on sending that block your direction I had a fire at my house and we're just now getting moved back in I will give you a shout hope you had a good Christmas and glad your health is doing better
I have no dog in this fight but hard to believe someone would ruin their name, reputation, and business for $250. You can easily spend more than that on gas in 3 months. Lol . Understand the importance of principles though.
I have no dog in this fight but hard to believe someone would ruin their name, reputation, and business for $250. You can easily spend more than that on gas in 3 months. Lol . Understand the importance of principles though.
Well I agree with that,i personally don't understand why someone would do that either especially over $250 but I have texts showing me asking him to send that crank and giving him the information and that was a month-and-a-half ago he was also being a smart-ass about it my theory was somebody else might get stung next but maybe for a lot more money this is why I posted this, as obviously I have nothing to gain from this, aside from just throwing 250 smackers out the window I'm not going to show the texts unless I need to and he calls me out but I do have them and if he tries to say he had some issue or something else all he had to do was text me or call me and tell me that that never happened so six weeks later I was done
I’m sure all you will hear is crickets

Move on

Stick with the tried and true fellas here that care about reputation and repeat bussinrss

As said before
Small community here
Word travels pretty fast

I agree with that that's why I didn't post any of the texts to prove it I just want to be done with it and move on but I felt like everybody should know on the board since he is dealing with people and trying to sell product, I don't use many of the vendors on here as I have accounts with atech Motorsports(summit) anda whole lot of high-performance vendors, about the only time I buy off of people on here is if it it just specifically Buick related, and I do need stuff for my car is once in a blue moon so I try to support the board as often as possible, what's funny is this is the only board I get on and I do a lot of Ls and Chevrolet stuff but I don't really care for a lot of the jackasses on those other board so I just stay off them
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I think he has a couple if partners involved in the business. I "think" DankGN here in the board is associated with the business, somehow...

Perhaps you could reach out to him for some type of remedy?

Shane might be able to offer some assistance too, as he took them on as a vendor just recently.

However, I must say this.......

It sounds as if you entered into a "deal" that you thought you were going to get a better or a "one up deal" by doing so, since you were outside of the normal quid-pro-quo transaction here, and as Jerry said, you may just be paying the price for using that train of thought.

Believe me, I've been, and without details being divulged, I am currently in that exact same spot right now.

Trust is a funny thing, it can bring great results, or a horrible one.

You place your money and you take you're chances...........

I hope that it works out for you, as much, even if not more, than it works out for me.....I'm aware I made my own bed......

Time will tell.

Good luck to you, sir!
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Don't know if this is the right section to be putting this in and if it's not the moderators can move it just wanted to throw a little bit of information out there about a vendor on this board that I gave $250 to to help him out on getting some custom rods built from Tom at Molnar and in return I was supposed to receive a set of these rods at cost, Tyler otherwise known as Marley skater 420 or something like that also known as boosted RPS ask me if he could sell my set of rods since my engine was not ready and he would split the profit with me which was going to be splitting $900 so I said that would be fine, about a year has passed now and he said that he did not have another set of rods that he could sell me so I said that's fine send me one of the forged Steel stroker cranks and he said he would but he could not sell the rods for the price he told me originally so I would only be receiving about a third of what he told me originally I said that was BS but fine just give me the crankshaft for cost plus shipping and he said he would do that, that was a month-and-a-half ago when I asked him what the problem was he said that he was waiting on somebody name Reggie I guess he's on this board also but don't know him anyway I sent him the shipping information and he said he would get that out once he got a price on the shipping cost but never heard from him now he will not answer my texts or phone calls then I asked just for my 250 back because I was sick of messing with him and he won't even send that back so just a warning to anybody on this board I would suggest not doing business with this guy at all. I know I'm not going to get my money back now for sure but one of the things about the turbo Buick guys on this board is everybody pretty much sticks together I build a lot of engines Transmissions rear ends in alot of Chevrolet,LS and old-school stuff as well as turbobuick stuff this is not my main gig but I do enjoy these cars and love them dearly as I have a Twin Turbo stage 2 car plus a 80000 mile t top show car that I drive, and I will say that most of the guys on this board stick together so this is just a word of advice and wanting you guys to know what kind of person he is you have a great chance of getting stung if you're dealing with him at all so I just thought I would let people on this board know

So the guy named Reggie is me. Tyler asked about cranks he had stored here at my house after the Bates show in June. He has not picked them up. He asked me for dimensions and weights so he could ship them out. He was supposed to provide labels to ship them. I guess that has not happened.

I was told he sold them and was sending them off. You can IM me directly. I would like to see the correspondence you had with him. I will send you the crank and flywheel myself.

Just let me know.
I think he has a couple if partners involved in the business. I "think" DankGN here in the board is associated with the business, somehow...

Perhaps you could reach out to him for some type of remedy?

Shane might be able to offer some assistance too, as he took them on as a vendor just recently.

However, I must say this.......

It sounds as if you entered into a "deal" that you thought you were going to get a better or a "one up deal" by doing so, since you were outside of the normal quid-pro-quo transaction here, and as Jerry said, you may just be paying the price for using that train of thought.

Believe me, I've been, and without details being divulged, I am currently in that exact same spot right now.

Trust is a funny thing, it can bring great results, or a horrible one.

You place your money and you take you're chances...........

I hope that it works out for you, as much, even if not more, than it works out for me.....I'm aware I made my own bed......

Time will tell.

Good luck to you, sir!
That's not how it happened at all he asked me too help pitch in on the rods because Tom at Molnar wouldn't build the custom billet rods without doing 6 sets so I told him that I would help him out and get a set of these rods for 500 dollars wasn't trying to make any money whatsoever
So the guy named Reggie is me. Tyler asked about cranks he had stored here at my house after the Bates show in June. He has not picked them up. He asked me for dimensions and weights so he could ship them out. He was supposed to provide labels to ship them. I guess that has not happened.

I was told he sold them and was sending them off. You can IM me directly. I would like to see the correspondence you had with him. I will send you the crank and flywheel myself.

Just let me know.
Hey Reggie, thanks for piping in but I have absolutely no beef with you whatsoever you've done absolutely nothing wrong it was Tyler 100% but I do appreciate you stepping up I certainly wasn't on here to bash you just to let people know about the situation with Tyler so thanks for the offer I really just want to be done with the situation and get the money back he owes me that probably won't happen but thankfully $250 is not going to break me so it's not that big of an issue is really just the principal of the whole thing so again thanks