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jack merkel engines


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I got a shortblock from Jack late last year and it has been working fine with a few small issues. Proabably my doing.

Since this is my first real motor, it is hard to say whether it is any better or worse then any other motor builders motor. I can say that talking to him, the guy knows his stuff. I have called him numerous times with questions about this or that and everytime he has spent no less then 20 minutes talking to me about options. That made the sale for me right there. I hadn't even bought the motor and we talked for 30 minutes the first time I called. When I did have problems, I call back and we talk for 20-25 discussing what it could be, and how I could determine what it is, then how to fix it.

All in all, Jack is a stand up guy in my book. As far as times, once I get everything all ready, I hope I get kicked off the track for not having a roll cage!


ta-54, self ported heads and intake, 206 cam, Cas V2, 65lb/hr injectors, homemade alcohol, PowerPlate, 3" DP, ATR ext wastegate, homemade cold air. Should be good for 11 something once the trans is done.;)

I'm all grown up, the name calling is as a result of a "Grown Up" getting very upset when people disrespect and attack the reputation of others with no justifiable reason. I call it the way I see it.

If you are a "grown up" then you should respect the fact that others are intitled to their own opinion, and not disrespect an indvidual that is excersing his rights.

I havent been up north for the past two years since I've been away at college, so I have no idea whats going on at the shop. Yes paul has saved my butt a few times. I gotta thank him for that.


The car's been running strong and the #'s are in the sig. Next week she gets an alky kit a set of headers and 55 injectors. Tryin to get that 10 u know?

I'll take my 109 block and run it into the 10's until the bottom end gives out. That just gives me an excuse to have cal build me a bigger motor.

"If it aint broke, dont fix it"
Originally posted by RCA/MERKENG#2

NJTURBO & TURBODIVER, I only have one question what did I do to either of you to be on the one side of negative comments????
I think you have issues with certain people and once again you do not realize I am tied to the shop 110% and it involves me..

I know this will somehow become an open forum of comments now but just think about who you direct your comments to Jack Merkel has never done engine work for anyone who has a comment here, so tossing negative digs is not fair..

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
I assume this is Paul? Paul, I've never said anything negative about you, I actually praise you at every corner. In fact when people ask me at the track where to get a problem fixed I tell them call Ron's Custom Auto and ask for Paul. As for Jack, I don't know the man. I re-read every one of my posts and found nothing negative in there regarding Jack. All I asked was where are the time slips? I think Mike Wade cleared it up when he said most of them were stock builds. This would make sense then. I know Billy T had a full roller monster built by Jack and I'd be very interested in seeing how he does. I didn't consider bringing my Stage II motor to Jack because I don't think he's ever done one. No offense but I'm not about to bring a 20K motor in for a rebuild to a guy that has no experience with them.

As for you father and I, I think there is irreparable damage done there, probably on both ends. I don’t want to rehash it all as it’s been rehashed enough both in public and private. Certainly wouldn’t want to hi-jack this thread with the question as to why we don’t get along. As you know I have bought stuff from you guys and had work done there. I have "issues" with your dad but not you, Mike or Jack, period! I will still tell people to come into your shop and talk to you when they have problems. I don't have the expertise or time to help them out myself so I'll send them to someone who does.

Don't think this was a dig at you because it wasn't. I've wanted to see you at the track for a while. At the August 31st race at E-Town I looked for you but didn't see you, only your dad. Naturally I wasn’t about to walk up, I'm too thick headed. I was also down there at the Buick weekend in October. I had a great Saturday as I finished up my competition license runs and was consistent with 3 9 second runs within .02 of each other. Sunday was another story as I broke. Hope to see you at the track. Believe me, if I ever did have a problem with you, you would know about it, I don't so please don't take it personally!
Originally posted by RCA/MERKENG#2
Sorry one small detail that I forgot on my last post.

For those who need to know a Jack Merkel engine ( 109 block )
had run 10's @ 126or so mph numerous times in New Jersey. That driver of the car was also the owner of this Jack Merkel 109 block engine installed at Rons Auto and his name is
Ron Joseph.:D :D :D
Huuum, I was still friends with your dad when he was running the 109 block. Best I ever knew him to run was an 11.0x, just a hair above 10.99. Then I remember when he installed the S2 motor, had some initial problems like with all new tunes then blasted off a 10.10 at the nats. I don't remember him running a 10 with the 109 block but I do remember him tickling the very low 11’s a couple of times.
Originally posted by Gr82baGN
To Wht87T and the rest of you idiots that have joined the negative band wagon. You are a VERY VERY VERY small minority. A speck on my ass if you will. Ron and company are about as top notch a crew as you can get. The more I read on this thread the more pissed off I get. Ron, Paul and the whole crew do great quality work, they spend a lot, I repeate A LOT of their own time working with customers to assure they the best work done to their cars, they truly are a class act. Everyone I know that goes into that shop feels the same way. This I know from personal experience. I believe that people who have the ability to pass such bull **** comments probably get towed a lot more than they wish to admit. Just my 2 cents.:mad:
OK mister I don't sign my name. I have been to Ron's Custom Auto many times. Since I don't know who you are I can't answer with confidence but I'm pretty sure I was probably having work done there before you were. I was having work done there WAY before Ron's got big, long before all the involvement in the gsca and long before the inception of this board! There was only the gnttype mailing list at that time.

I have never said ANYTHING negative about the shop. I like Paul and only have kind words to say about him. Take a deep breath, identify yourself and stop nagging me! All I asked was if there was any times that have been run on a Merkel built 109 block. Is that such a bad question to ask? Is this negative? I then tried to clear up the misconception about people getting the NJ and LI Merkel’s confused. If you read, I was making sure that the negative comment made about "Merkel" was not the NJ Merkel but the Long Island Merkel. If I had an axe to grind would I have said that? I think not!

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, think happy thoughts and have a cold one....
Just to clarify with some examples of exact numbers:

10-27-01 1:59 pm 10.928 @ 126.03 mph
10-27-01 2:47pm 10.826 @ 126.30 mph

I know Art was around during the 11's but I did not see him there that afternoon. These numbers were done with the 109 Merkel engine which that engine was in his car for years and was sold to someone down south and is currently still running perfect without missing a beat. During the winter of 2002 is when the S2 block went in and then was run the summer of 2002. ;) ;) ;)

Yes this is Paul and yes I dont have alot of time to spend on the internet. Not that I would not like to be here helping people but it is hard to work and spend time here posting. If anyone needs help and wants to call me I have no problem helping like I always do. The only reason I answered at all to this was I received alot of calls ( not from any GURU ) about this and I do not want it to become an issue like I have seen in the past. Just for your knowledge we have done and are currently involved with S2 rebuilds just FYI. And in case I did not I can not remember if I did or not I would like to say CONGRATS on your new licence and your numerous 9.8 runs, its been a long time coming but best of luck with the car. :D :D :D :D :D
Originally posted by RCA/MERKENG#2

Yes this is Paul and yes I dont have alot of time to spend on the internet. Not that I would not like to be here helping people but it is hard to work and spend time here posting. If anyone needs help and wants to call me I have no problem helping like I always do. The only reason I answered at all to this was I received alot of calls ( not from any GURU ) about this and I do not want it to become an issue like I have seen in the past. Just for your knowledge we have done and are currently involved with S2 rebuilds just FYI. And in case I did not I can not remember if I did or not I would like to say CONGRATS on your new licence and your numerous 9.8 runs, its been a long time coming but best of luck with the car. :D :D :D :D :D
Good! Thanks for the congrats, was a lot of hard work and broken parts as you can tell since the motor is down for a freshen because I got stupid and lazy!

You're correct, I don't remember the 10 second runs. I'm glad to hear your dad finally got it, I know he was trying for a number of years! Like I said, I know a lot of Merkel engines have been sold and haven't really heard anything negative about them which is good.

Glad things got cleared up and look forward to seeing many of them at the track!
Yeah I too think people should sign their names makes for a friendly Buick community.

PS. What fArtie said......Paul's a good guy.
Originally posted by Gr82baGN

Sorry about not signing my name.

Michael Samman

Good, nice to meet you Mike. See like Richie said, it's friendlier this way. Promotes Buick Unity...

I don't recognize the name so I doubt we've ever met. I use to hang out on Saturdays a lot years ago but probably haven't been there on a Saturday in about 3 years.

Now let's all go racing!
I am glad to see we are all on the same page and everything is clear now. This is what this is supposed to be about.:D :D :D

One thing was said somewhere at the start of this thread that troubled me.. I thing that you should all go to the nationals, and no one should tell you you can not attend. I do not remember every reading that there were people not allowed to attend, in fact I think last year Rich Lassiter spent some phone time trying to square some minor problmes out. I think if anyone is able to go and can afford to go, they should take the trip and have a good time. :D :D Isn't that what it is all about anyway???

If I as mistaken and someone was told you can not attend please let me know.
As far as Mike Samman in concerned. What everyone read earlier is a very very unusual diplay of words. For those who know Mike he is one of the nicest people you can ever meet and his tall large grizzly bear appearance is deceiving he is a very mello person. He is a very good friend to me and probable felt the need to defend. I am sure he did not mean any harm in what he said and is sorry for the @#@#%@ words used in his earlier description. He just felt the possibility of another problem in the works and was on the defensive..

Just my opinion ( correct me if I am wrong Mike )


I took Arts advice,

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, think happy thoughts and have a cold one....

I reacted to what I interpreted as negative remarks. I should have given it some thought before displaying the childish side of me, however, the childish side of me also wants to run 10's this summer in a car that is big black and beautiful. With that in mind I bet I'm not the only child on the board. The day is young, the car is running like a beast in this weather so to all concerned please accept my apology.

:) :) :)
I'll 2nd that comment about mike. He's probably one of the best guys i've ever met. But i'm starting not to like him now, cuz he's owed me a steak dinner for a month now......i sure am hungry!!!!;)
LOL your right Paul you shouldnt spend too much time on the internet especially since my car is a week from being done and i need to give these people some ET' just playing. on this subject though i have talked to Paul many times and have had work done at his shop and i cant think of one complaint about them. the work is awesome they even go out of there way to do little stuff that you didnt ask for like covering up a bare wire they happen to find when they could be like every other shop and leave it. all the work i have had done there has lasted trouble free. my tranny and motor are being done as we speak there and even though im getting antsy to get it back i know the wait will be worth it with Paul and crew working on it. i too recommend all GN owners i run into to go to his shop. as for Jack i have talked to him many times to and for 20-30 minutes at a time and he has no probs. both Paul, Ron, Jack and the whole crew up there are top notch in my book. hey Paul ill call you friday to see if you found those plenum bolts and EGR clamp....:D
Originally posted by RCA/MERKENG#2
I am glad to see we are all on the same page and everything is clear now. This is what this is supposed to be about.:D :D :D

One thing was said somewhere at the start of this thread that troubled me.. I thing that you should all go to the nationals, and no one should tell you you can not attend. I do not remember every reading that there were people not allowed to attend, in fact I think last year Rich Lassiter spent some phone time trying to square some minor problmes out. I think if anyone is able to go and can afford to go, they should take the trip and have a good time. :D :D Isn't that what it is all about anyway???

If I as mistaken and someone was told you can not attend please let me know.
You are correct, anyone can attend the nationals but not everyone can race. You need to be a gsca member to race. Not worth the additional $35 in membership plus the entrance fee to race. I'll leave it at that and not get into any issues.