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JDs GNX vs ROUCH stage 2


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the $ money i could save
Sep 22, 2006
:D Last sat. night me and a freind where out after the local car show in largo. On the way home we came up to a ROUCH MUSTANG who wanted to play. JD had his new gnxc me in my 86 t . From the light JD and the mustang took off JDs tires spining the mustang took the leed the had to split there was a van in front of them .the entrace to 19 was on the left JD was in the far right lane ,the stanng in the left the van was in the middle .By the time they got around the van JD took the leed and cut to the left lane to go on 19 had the stang by 3 or 4 cars . They stoped at the light the stang in front .JD was behind him the stang was hiting his gas LIKE he was fast. The light turned green they hit it aging this time JD lays in hard right thru the spining tires by the next light JD was a head of him by 6 cars .the next side road the stang turned off and was gone . JD and i where laughing are azzs off .in the sunday paper there was a add fore sale ROUCH MUSTANG CHEAP!!!:biggrin:
Nice kill! There is one of those cars running around here in Ky. Just waiting for a chance to get him.
Chuck all I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had just taken the drag radails off a few weeks earlier , went to Ganiesville for the car show, with the BFG's radials on it was very hard to keep the tire's from spining!

Was only able to touch the gas slightly, about half way, till it hit 2nd gear then drop the pedal,have a 45a turbo on the car so doesn't like to spool very fast.

Was about 55 degree's outside and was only running about 16lbs of boost,but the car felt like it was at 22 lbs with the cool weather.

This was the first real street race the new Gnx has had, man this car FLYIES!!!!

thanks Chuck for posting JD :D :D :D
It's nice to here someone got a race. It always seems when i am driving my daily driver is when i see some hot shot, one day i will get my turn. NICE JOB
It's nice to here someone got a race. It always seems when i am driving my daily driver is when i see some hot shot, one day i will get my turn. NICE JOB

This exactly why my Daily driver is the White-T :biggrin:
Oh look at the BigUglyImportCarKiller and the exhaust smells funny..
nice kill, by largo do you mean key largo? i only had 1 run and it was against a nice looking supra, ( had him by at least 5-6 cars) but he ran good.:)
its a ford no matter how you spell it. thanks for the lesson:tongue: