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Justin 84


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V8-2 cylinders=2x the $
Jan 23, 2010
Unfortunately after 4+ months and multiple attempts and being VERY patient, I am left with no other choice but to do this. I purchased a Grill of Justin on August 2nd..paid him via paypal and, as he requested, did it as a "gift" so he could avoid the fees (FYI: never do that!) and therefore, no actions can/could be taken. I have PM'd Justin several times, he has responded back w/ at this point excuse after excuse and never made good including simply returning my money as many good members would of did. I know he is popular here, I know he had an accident, I know he has other problems and I also know.....he is always buying/selling on this board constantly so he had more than enough time to "man-up" which he obviously chose not to do. As for me, I am fairly new to tbuicks hoewver (see sig) I am a very well versed car guy and a very stand-up guy...feel free to PM "Pacecarta" ot "Thrlskr" just to name a few to back me up here....Sorry Justin, your not a stand-up guy and I am so this had to be done....and you knew it was coming because I gave you oppurtunity # 15 or whatever before I posted this!
Although I did finally get my item after 2 months, and a paypal dispute, he was the worst seller I have ever dealt with.

"Haha, ahhh. Still creepy tho, what a douche bag!"

"Don't do it man...There's still good people on here...not me but others"

"Sounds like you needed the KY for that party bud."

"Add me to that list tough guy... Damn keyboard tough guys....."

All these quotes are from the great Justin84 bashing someone else.

Looks like the tables have turned!!!
What comes around goes around!!!
Karma is a bit**

What a scam artist and piece of crap.
There is no excuse for these kind of people on the board!!!

Firechaser, if you need any help getting your money back just let me know.
I know a great lawyer!!! Just ask DailyDrifter!!!
FYI he is fighting for his life with kidney issues this week and is entering the hospital as we speak and may not come out of this situation, (just spoke with him this afternoon) so maybe cut him some slack. Im sure your no angel and as a person who has been into Buicks for close to 15 years, as well as part of a family owned dealership for 22 years and grand son of a Pontiac/Buick dealership in Ohio for over 50 years, I have seen and dealt with quite a few despicable and dishonest members on this board. Honestly the only one i prefer to do business with is Ravi Persad aka trfanatic. People say his prices are high but his parts are mint and his word is good as gold in my book. I hope he brings some parts to sell at BPG next year b/c he probably has one of the largest and best NOS collections period. As far as Justin goes, well lets just say his father is on the original team of Buick personnel for the evolution of the Turbo Regal 3.8 block and has the parts, nostalgia memorabilia, and knowledge to prove it. Diehard enthusiast and super good guy as he has sent me parts in the past just saying pay me when you can. Very few if any people on this board will do that, end of story. He has been on a lot longer than you "newbie" so i would suggest having a little humility and realize his time is limited. He may lose his life and if you want to bitch about a part that took you a few months to get well that is your choice. But in terms of acting your age, well you may just have to grow up a bit. im 28 and am a cop and put my life on the line for mostly people who dont deserve a single breath on this earth. Maybe you need a 10 hour ridealong to see what the real world is all about, and we will definitely set aside the keyboards. I can back it up without the internet or the keyboard. Believe me on that one! Ive paid my dues for society and trust me its thankless!
Unfortunately after 4+ months and multiple attempts and being VERY patient, I am left with no other choice but to do this. I purchased a Grill of Justin on August 2nd..paid him via paypal and, as he requested, did it as a "gift" so he could avoid the fees (FYI: never do that!) and therefore, no actions can/could be taken. I have PM'd Justin several times, he has responded back w/ at this point excuse after excuse and never made good including simply returning my money as many good members would of did. I know he is popular here, I know he had an accident, I know he has other problems and I also know.....he is always buying/selling on this board constantly so he had more than enough time to "man-up" which he obviously chose not to do. As for me, I am fairly new to tbuicks hoewver (see sig) I am a very well versed car guy and a very stand-up guy...feel free to PM "Pacecarta" ot "Thrlskr" just to name a few to back me up here....Sorry Justin, your not a stand-up guy and I am so this had to be done....and you knew it was coming because I gave you oppurtunity # 15 or whatever before I posted this!
I understand were you coming from, but the man is real sick . I'll give justing a call tomorrow . I'll PM you and let you know what going on .or PM me with your number I'll give you a call after i take to him..

I was only quoting Justin from previous threads toughguy!
He may be hurting now, but previously he had a big mouth.

By the way VETKILR, I am not a newbie.
If you had been around a little longer, you would know better!!!
I have had more Buicks and fast cars then you will ever afford to buy.

Stick up for him if you want.
That's no an excuse for 4+ months of BS!!!
He was well enough to sell the parts but not well enough to ship them out???
End of story!!!

Firechaser, good luck on getting your money or parts!

VETKILR, go back to work and piss someone else off!
I was only quoting Justin from previous threads toughguy!
He may be hurting now, but previously he had a big mouth.

By the way VETKILR, I am not a newbie.
If you had been around a little longer, you would know better!!!
I have had more Buicks and fast cars then you will ever afford to buy.

Stick up for him if you want.
That's no an excuse for 4+ months of BS!!!
He was well enough to sell the parts but not well enough to ship them out???
End of story!!!

Firechaser, good luck on getting your money or parts!

VETKILR, go back to work and piss someone else off!

unaffordablegn, he may not make it out of the hospital in the next fee days...
lay off and give him some slack for a bit.

Firechaser did you buy a nos grill off him or a used one? I may have one I can give you for now and I will settle it with Justin later.. Give me a call you should still have my number if not pm me on tbs
First off I hope Justin get`s well.. I know timing of this thread is a bad week for Justin but I think He`s had plenty of time to resolve this.(check out firechaser`s messages) So hopefully they can both can resolve this peacefully. I myself have used the feedback section to resolve problems I had with a seller.I had good luck with it so I know it works. I know firechaser personally and can say he is a stand up guy not out to hurt anyone.He works hard for his money just like everyone else.
Let's keep this civil, we won't let this turn into a flame warm.
First off I hope Justin get`s well.. I know timing of this thread is a bad week for Justin but I think He`s had plenty of time to resolve this.(check out firechaser`s messages) So hopefully they can both can resolve this peacefully. I myself have used the feedback section to resolve problems I had with a seller.I had good luck with it so I know it works. I know firechaser personally and can say he is a stand up guy not out to hurt anyone.He works hard for his money just like everyone else.

I also know him.... that is why I made my post, I'm out in the shop now looking for my nos grill that I think I still have. I did not know about this or I would have tried to help a while ago..

John Wilde Let's keep this civil, we won't let this turn into a flame warm.

I agree big John.

Sorry to step on anyone's toes and to hear about Justin's condition. I too have had some recent medical issues and know it can be tough. I hope Justin makes it through these tough times.

I will also check to see if I have an extra grill in storage for Firechaser.

Thanks for the heads up and keep us posted on his condition.
I got a call about this thread just a few minutes ago. First off, to those who responded in my defense thank you. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers you guys have sent me over the last few weeks. Second, it is true...I have not always been the best at getting things out the next day. I have had issues on top of issues all year, just ask some of my real friends. I have not always been the best guy in the world either, I have done my wrongs...some recently. Some of my wrongdoings I have been trying to fix as of being with a man named Brian Bisonette who I have become good friends with. I am human, I make mistakes, I will continue to make mistakes, and all I can do is apologize for them. Unaffordablegn......I think we all know who you are....yes I said those things...I am cocky, I am blunt, and I will always be. I will never change the root of my being to make some buttonpushers feel better about themselves. ULLOZE?.... What can I say to you that I have not already said? I respect that you do have a dog in this fight and understand your point. Now, Firechaser...As I always said, (and ulloze can surely vouch for this) I do not check my PM's here and have told everyone numerous times to please send me an Email to I will respond there... The last time you and I talked your last words were something like, I work with a bunch of Peurto Ricans and I understand anything. You told me not to worry about it. I CLEARLY took that wrong. Again, please send me an email and I WILL DO MY BEST TO GET THIS TAKEN CARE OF. One last time for all of the dramaqueens watching...I am not in this for the money, I am not Ebay.....I try to offer cheap, NOS, and rare items for others that can use them. This is not my job and everything I offer I tell those that have little or no money that I will trade. I am again sorry for some of my previous dealings and I can't say that I wouldn't like to turn back the's too late. I hope everyone has a nice Christmas and stay safe. Shawn, Tony, Miguel, and John...thanks more than you guys know.... I am blessed to have friends like you guys. I will get through this.

P.S. As far as Firechaser goes, the guy is a stand up guy and I hope he will let me make this right. I will gather up the funds ASAP to take care of you. Please give me a couple days as I am not exactly in the condition right now to wheel and deal too much. I am going to offer one of my most prized items up for sale right now to make sure you are compensated with interest.

Not everyone knows who I am yet but thanks for the update and honest thoughts. I hope things get better for you in the coming year. I too have had a rough year and my share of problems. We can never fix the past but can try to do the right thing next time. I too have also pissed off a few board members here on TurboBuick. I am also cocky, blunt and a pain in the a** to most people. I won't back down and always try to get in the last word. That is why we don't get along so well! I know how it feels to be bashed and ganged up on here on TurboBuick. There are always three sides to every story. I know you will make it right with Firechaser. Otherwise I will hunt you down! Just kidding! Good luck in the future and get better soon!
Justin send me a email and let me know how much it is....................... and I will meet up with firechasher this week or weekend and give him cash... You need to worry about getting better right now, I can get him the cash for now and we can figure something out later...
I was only quoting Justin from previous threads toughguy!
He may be hurting now, but previously he had a big mouth.

By the way VETKILR, I am not a newbie.
If you had been around a little longer, you would know better!!!
I have had more Buicks and fast cars then you will ever afford to buy.

Stick up for him if you want.
That's no an excuse for 4+ months of BS!!!
He was well enough to sell the parts but not well enough to ship them out???
End of story!!!

Firechaser, good luck on getting your money or parts!

VETKILR, go back to work and piss someone else off!
Easy now NEWBIE!:biggrin:
Firechaser call me when you can bud 484 571 1425.... I have the cash for you to make the situation right. I wont be able to meet up with you till the weekend though. Working 8:00 to 6:00 at the ft job this week AND swinging the 3rd shift for the ambulance due to so many people being out sick LOL 7:00 to 7:00 there.. give me a call and we can figure out when to meet up and make the situation right :D

If I dont asnwer I will call you back or just pm me on tbs

ttypewe4jim-Dave Yarger??? Is that your name?

No, but my name doesn't matter. It's my reputation that proceeds me.

How did we get so far off topic here???

Back to topic. Justin, get well soon!!!
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