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KIilled? my patience but a valid complaint


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Active Member
Oct 27, 2003
Don't get me wrong, Iv'e seen some pretty fast Honda's mostly at the local drag strip but there's a difference between that and what I mostly encounter on the local roads. Does this happen to you?
People are always blocking me in with the car next to them going down these two lane roads when they see me comming. And it's not just ricers that pull that bulls**t with me. Yestarday I was out messing around and got held up by a kid in a an obviously unmodded (other than coffee can muffler and wing) Honda Civic who wouldn't get in the right lane when I came up behind him. He slowed down when he saw me comming up behind him and stayed next to the car in the right lane beside him that was only doing 40MPH. The speed limit was 50MPH, and I was stuck behind him. The most infuriating part was about this was, he was watching me in his rear view mirror the whole time. I glanced in my rearview and noticed the parade of traffic behind me he was holding up. Why can't people just put their egos aside and get to the right to let others pass? :mad: I always get out of the way for people who want to pass me. Oh well, I just had to vent.
This has happened to me more than a few times. I have a couple friends in the police dept and I give them the make and license of the car and they go pay a visit informing them that that is illegal and they were spotted by more than enough witnesses but if they catch them doing it, it would be an "obstruction of traffic" ticket or the likes. Just a friendly little warning.
darkred87T said:
Don't get me wrong, Iv'e seen some pretty fast Honda's mostly at the local drag strip but there's a difference between that and what I mostly encounter on the local roads. Does this happen to you?
People are always blocking me in with the car next to them going down these two lane roads when they see me comming. And it's not just ricers that pull that bulls**t with me. Yestarday I was out messing around and got held up by a kid in a an obviously unmodded (other than coffee can muffler and wing) Honda Civic who wouldn't get in the right lane when I came up behind him. He slowed down when he saw me comming up behind him and stayed next to the car in the right lane beside him that was only doing 40MPH. The speed limit was 50MPH, and I was stuck behind him. The most infuriating part was about this was, he was watching me in his rear view mirror the whole time. I glanced in my rearview and noticed the parade of traffic behind me he was holding up. Why can't people just put their egos aside and get to the right to let others pass? :mad: I always get out of the way for people who want to pass me. Oh well, I just had to vent.

I hear you brother, the closer to "civilization" you get the worse it is :mad:
The best is the SUV/minivan cell phone mindless blind cruise missiles that don't have to follow any traffic laws as they rocket from the mall to "Starbutts" doing 40 in a 15 mph school zone to get to soccer practice and "HONK" at you because they tried to go straight in a left turn ONLY lane and you were apparently in the WAY!!! :mad:
Just had to vent also :biggrin:

P.S. If Darwin is right in a few thousand years these drones will be extinct.
i used to get that every now and then, but it was pretty rare. now that i'm driving a new buick it hasn't happened once. people do jump in front of me all the time figuring i'm some old guy thats going to drive super slow. thats expected.

but as much as i hate to admit it i am occasionaly guilty of blocking up traffic, not intentionaly but it always seems to happen. i'll get stuck behind someong going a few under, and i'll pass them going the speed limit. by the time i get past them i have a few people on my bumper trying to get wherever they are going 5 minutes early by going 20 over the limit. i'm totaly in the right by doing that but i still feel like a bit of a dick doing that.
This kid knew what he was doing. He held me up for about 2 miles beause he didn't want me pass him. Then, comming back the other way, the same thing happened when a Guy in a PT Cruiser sped up when he saw me comming up behind him in the left lane. He decidied it was better to drive next to a slow moving motorcycle gang in the right lane than let me by. I guess theTurbo Buick's appearance alone threatens egos. :rolleyes:
Never noticed it to much till I got here in Germany. If you do some crap like that here, you will get run over! Also I'll it takes is one phone call to the Polizti and your history. When I came home on leave, it drove me insane at the idiots in the left lane! :mad: I always drive in the right lane unless I am passing. I wish our police officers would start issuing tickets for this. I want a sticker to put in the rear window that says "If you are being passed on the right, you are an Idiot!". Probably get shot though!
stickybones said:
Sounds like you were driving on Rt 10. :cool:
Ha ha, actually, it was route 46 in Budd Lake by all the car dealerships. I fiqured I would cruise out there to get away from all the Route 10 commotion.