Just looked at your run on FullThrottle. Here's the comments I left over there.
You're still running awfly rich, but still have all that knock retard. Boost was at around 20# once it got spooled up. That might be a little too high depending on your setup, etc. Especially since you're running almost 23° of wot timing!! You need to crank your WOT timing back closer to something between 17-18° and try another run to see what happens to knoc.
Running too rich!
"I just took another look and your WOT timing is doing some strange stuff which might account for the knock retard. At 3200 rpm it drops to 18° and stays there as I would expect it to do. HOWEVER, at 4400 rpm it's jumping up to 23° (and your knock starts shortly thereafter)!!! What do you have your WOT timing set to do?? Are you running a Translator+? what WOT timing setting?"