Laptop"s For Sale...

definitely have 1 hp left. with 512 ram. I do have a compaq that will post this evening after i get a spec sheet.
Thank you

Mike, i got my laptop yesterday :D but didn't open it until today thanks again,Pernell.

Got both laptops. They look good and seem to work even better.
only have compaq left will put specs and phots\os up in the moring. guys my gn is home thanks to everyone helping me accomplish that. All laptops are a great deal. and they worked very fast. I will put everyone in a rating on friday. work all day then teach all night. makes for long days. Again thanks again for helping me get my gn home.

Mike, thanks, I got both of mine yesterday!!!

one question though....One of them is missing a screw that holds down the keyboard (guessing you forgot to put it back after adding the ram), so it keeps popping out, would you happen to know what size screw this is so that i can go grab one somewhere?