Latest "adventure"...

Chuck Leeper

Toxic old bastard
Staff member
May 28, 2001
I got a ride in a med evac chopper on Thursday....
First chopper ride since the "good old days". Was a "fun" experience.:rolleyes:
Seems some "professional" folks are prone to work over their pay grade. AKA the Peter principle in play.
Case in point, my dentist decided to play oral surgeon. She managed to cut into a major blood flow area and set off the
chain of events that resulted in the chopper ride.
After saturating 2 bath towels with my "oil supply", damn near choking on my own blood, she called for help.
2 ER visits, one prior to and one after the chopper ride.
A visit to the REAL surgeon resulted in stitching me back together.
Well, today is looking up!! Hopefully, some asshole won't ruin it.:D
My daughter, Dr Sara R. came to my rescue, and had a couple "come to Jesus" interactions with some folks!!
Fun to watch when I introduce her. The looks on their faces once she raises the bullshit flag is great!
Unfortunately people don't realize that dental surgery can be fatal. A girl in our high school died after getting her wisdom teeth removed. Like you she have excessive bleeding. Everyone needs to aware major bleeding after a dental procedure can happen and to not wait to go to the ER to get it looked at. Glad you made it.
Damn Chuck thats wild, good to hear your recovering.

Its always fun to watch a bullshit fast talker get called out by someone with knowledge. I bet the general tone changed once they realized they went going to BS your daughter!
I got a ride in a med evac chopper on Thursday....
First chopper ride since the "good old days". Was a "fun" experience.:rolleyes:
Seems some "professional" folks are prone to work over their pay grade. AKA the Peter principle in play.
Case in point, my dentist decided to play oral surgeon. She managed to cut into a major blood flow area and set off the
chain of events that resulted in the chopper ride.
After saturating 2 bath towels with my "oil supply", damn near choking on my own blood, she called for help.
2 ER visits, one prior to and one after the chopper ride.
A visit to the REAL surgeon resulted in stitching me back together.
Well, today is looking up!! Hopefully, some asshole won't ruin it.:D
My daughter, Dr Sara R. came to my rescue, and had a couple "come to Jesus" interactions with some folks!!
Fun to watch when I introduce her. The looks on their faces once she raises the bullshit flag is great!
Glad you made it, and that you had your own professional consultant to straighten shit out. The dentist should have known to that she fucked up and needed help immediately, I hope it was not an inability to admit she fucked that damn near killed you. Get well, I miss my helicopter days every so often.
Dang Chuck, I bet you maxed out your dental deductible with that visit. Helicopter rides are expensive.

Glad you're okay and still able to chew the fat with us here.
I got a ride in a med evac chopper on Thursday....
First chopper ride since the "good old days". Was a "fun" experience.:rolleyes:
Seems some "professional" folks are prone to work over their pay grade. AKA the Peter principle in play.
Case in point, my dentist decided to play oral surgeon. She managed to cut into a major blood flow area and set off the
chain of events that resulted in the chopper ride.
After saturating 2 bath towels with my "oil supply", damn near choking on my own blood, she called for help.
2 ER visits, one prior to and one after the chopper ride.
A visit to the REAL surgeon resulted in stitching me back together.
Well, today is looking up!! Hopefully, some asshole won't ruin it.:D
My daughter, Dr Sara R. came to my rescue, and had a couple "come to Jesus" interactions with some folks!!
Fun to watch when I introduce her. The looks on their faces once she raises the bullshit flag is great!
Must have blown your mind when they didn't have to manually spin the propeller to start it 🤠
Happy Fathers Day, Chuck.

Glad you made it through that shit! I had an employee have something very similar happen because of a dentist, he flat lined twice and was revived twice, second one stuck. Crazy stuff.

After his lawyer got done, he has the nicest smile you've ever seen, and a nice bank account, too boot.
Thanks all!!
Got it on the mend now.
Hate eating all the soft foods, but better than not eating!!
Tomorrow is the "come to Jesus" meeting with the dentist.
That should be interesting.:rolleyes:
Aren’t you supposed to call before you dig? Never thought about it, but I guess it applies to dentists too 🤣. Glad you’re on the mend.
Ya'll have fun......


Too soon?
Aren’t you supposed to call before you dig? Never thought about it, but I guess it applies to dentists too 🤣. Glad you’re on the mend.
That dentist was operating on "limited intelligence"...
Something tells me it wasn't her first time. Premonition?
Not sure, but her FAST exit without an explanation is concerning.
They were all over me with apologies, offers to "pick up the tab"., etc.
The screwups didn't end with that, tho. I waited 10-15 minutes for one of the off-duty dentists to come get me and take me to the ER in her personal vehicle!! The ambulance service was <1 mi away!

We'll see.........
Good Morning Chuck:
Very sorry to hear about your dental experience!! Hope that you get a good report today!! Stay clear of that particular one who screwed up but she probably will be in hiding or terminated from that office!! Best Wishes on a speedy recovery!!
That is why I hate going to the dentist, because no matter if it is just a cleaning , there is always pain!!
Chuck, I'm glad you're able tell a joke about this experience. having a patient advocate like your daughter is a wonderful asset to counter the slackers who somehow are still able to practice medicine.