Looking for reputable speed shop in Tampa area


New Member
Aug 27, 2001
After 20 months of dealing with GNT Racing (SS Turbo Regal in Sarasota and thousands of dollars later I am looking for someone in the Tampa or Central Florida area who can put my 87 TT back together for me after I remove it from this shop. Any help would be appreciated!
ohh you're the guy with the blue car? gesh.. yes that has been in forever .. they were building a motor, but thats as far as they went, didnt finish it, didnt put anything in.. its sad, dave certainly took a turn for the worse ...im fortunate to have gotten mine out of his shop, but only because a friend of his happened to be around, ..

i dont know of any shops in tampa though, sorry.
Thanks for the comment Jason

Just found out from the father that the rebuilt transmission that I paid $3500 to have rebuilt and then decided to wait to install when I decided to have the motor customized has been sold as well. It is unfortunate that one man's dream has turned into a nightmare because of what the S&S Turbo Regal (GNT Racing) owner has done. I do not have to mention his name as I am sure all of the members on this site know who I am referring.

I am definitely looking for the name of a speed shop and would appreciate referrals that can be verified.
Sorry to hear these stories. Orlando may be too far, but KDK Performance does most of the performance and maintenance on our Cent. FL members cars.

Kevin King is the owner, and a longtime club member. Before opening his own shop he worked as a GM Master Tech at McNamara Pontiac for several years. At any given time there are 5-10 Turbo Buicks in his bays.

KDK can be reached at 407-298-2706
I also use KDK Performance. Kevin & Dave are great to work with and do a great job. Again, it may be to far away for you, but worth the extra distance for quality work...
You may want to try to get an email to Jay Carter, he lived in Pinellas Park for a long time and may know someone who can help.
Thanks to those who responded with suggestions. At least this gives me an idea of where to turn to.
Hey there...I live about 30 mins north of Tampa and I also take my car up to KDK in Orlando. Kevin, Dave and everyone at KDK will make sure you are taken care of. Kevin treats every car as if it were his own. Check em out, I'll think you'll be very satisfied.

What exactly does the car need to be done to it?

I live in St Pete and may have certain leads..Sorry to hear bout your car.
The shop in question in Sarasota(he knows who he is),Reported a friend of mines car that was in his shop as stolen,after he stole all the parts off his engine he called police and car was taken to impound and took over a year to sort everything out, Friend got the shell off his car back.I have many contacts in the bay area..Stay away from Shister& Shister in sarasota!!!!
When the hell did this ever happen?

was it a maroon T? if not, then I think you're FOS and just trying to spread FUD.

my car rotted at his ****in shop for over a year with a motor that his mechanic built for me that died the same day with 3 bad rings.. i blame the mechanic for that one.. between that time he got ****ed over by that douchebag kyle and on top of being ****ing sick, decided crack was better than facing up to dealing with the problem at hand.

well 2 months ago I started goin over there and bustin his balsl, i got his friend and we put my car together myself with yet another motor that i paid him for.. he said it was good, ofcourse i didnt trust him at all at that time..

well the car is in my driveway now, if i got a problem i get hooked up and the car runs pretty damn good seeing how everything sat in the shop for > year.

pic: Exhibit A - my car after S&S..

Exhibit B - more of my car after S&S..

obviously I can trust him now, and I *DOUBT* even he would go out and do something as crooked as that.

remember he had that crackhead/heoin/coke fiend kyle with him for a few months too many.. and afew too many shoddy people working with/for him that ive seen.


hes currently /living/ in the ****in shop instead of his house, and is currently finishing up a GN with a turbomotion kit thats been way overdue for finishing..

now how is someone supposed to finish a car with no money? get more work, obviously, so has he done.. doesnt get much harder when you got every last person on the internet screaming STAY AWWAY BLAHBLAHBLAH.

I cried just as much myself and welp, a year later i got my **** back and hes actually getting his **** together.

You people need to stop all your bitching and help him, and help him get all your **** finished and out of the shop!
Originally posted by Sixcylsurprise
The shop in question in Sarasota(he knows who he is),Reported a friend of mines car that was in his shop as stolen,after he stole all the parts off his engine he called police and car was taken to impound and took over a year to sort everything out, Friend got the shell off his car back.I have many contacts in the bay area..Stay away from Shister& Shister in sarasota!!!!

Iwouldn't doubt this, I have heard worse stolen-car stories that have to do with Dave Schmucker..

oh really? like what? lets here a story, stories are fun and right now im bored.

get to typing!
If you look at my number of posts,you will see i don't spend all my time sitting at a computer like most here do.But when i decide to open my mouth it is about the truth and no bull.This did happen,my friend is still trying to piece his car together, Car was white 87 gn,spent year in police impound after he took off what he wanted.Sorry guys, but sometimes the truth is not always pretty.i have nothing to gain or lose buy telling this,but i also have a handful of witnesses.
ah, hm, sounds to me your friend has something to hide.. why dont you tell him to get his ass in here..
Sixcylsurprise---I agree with you!

Frustration is my middle name after all I have been through with this car. Being defensive is fine for JayLashua however, he does not know my whole story and it sounds like he doesn't know yours either.

My car is sitting outside the shop there on 19th Street in Sarasota along with around six other vehicles that have been there as long as mine.

The dad is trying to work with me to get a crate motor installed since all of my original parts are now gone, including my transmission. $ 18,000 is a lot of cash to sign off on but Dave convinced me a year and a half ago he had the talents and the resources to customize my 87 TT the way I wanted.

So before anyone comments about what is going on at this shop-----you need to know what is going on and I do not feel like mud slinging Jay on this website. What is done is done and I am trying to move forward and work with the dad and the son to at least put a motor and transmission in my car so I can drive it out of there. At that time I will decide what I want to do about the rest of my situation.

Good luck to all of the people who still have cars sitting there waiting to be finished.:(
Syxcylsuprise: Was that car a white grand national ...?

87tt, that was just daves outright lazyness and irresponsibility that caused that problem... he bit off way more than he could chew and on top of it got into drugs and **** after kyle ****ed him..w hich ofcousre is no defense for him, its just the truth.. and people on drugs do weird **** to get money.. actually i dont even know if dave sold the parts, might have been him, or might have been that ****face kyle. Either way, he'd just leave the car right at the shop like all the others that have had sold parts in the past year.. or in the case of one car, had it stored so it wouldnt get messed up because his shop was full.
and btw.. I can talk right/ I only paid him $1000+ and spent hundreds of hours on his website.. but like i prolly mentioned, after this point, i went and done **** myself. Me and his friend fixed my car finally 2 months ago.