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Looking to purchase a Handgun....what is recommended


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LOL tough crowd, I know the pics are a little blurry but you get the point, hell it's a black gun anyways nothing special. I seen some M&Ps and H&Ks today that were really nice as well. The H&Ks are even more expensive than the Sig and no night sights either. :eek:

Look at our pics bro. They are clear ;)

Just messing with ya!

Yes when I bought my first H&K usp it wasn't cheap and neither was the H&K 91 .308 caliber. I'm noticing they are not putting the trijicon night sights on many handguns anymore.

Here you go one my all time favorites!! Just picked this one up so have not got the chance to shoot it yet. I traded a Performance Center .500 for it and like this .44 better! Model 629 Stealth Hunter 7.5" Barrel Performance Center Model. Another gun that is a fav would be my M&P .45 then the Para Ordnance 1911 .45

That is what I call a howitzer!
Thanks man. The FNH Five Seven is also another great gun that has not been mentioned! One of the few with a sweet bullet and a 20rd capacity.

Thanks man. The FNH Five Seven is also another great gun that has not been mentioned! One of the few with a sweet bullet and a 20rd capacity.

On the 2nd page we spoke of the 5.7. It's a neat round and the fn is a very nice piece.
I'm noticing they are not putting the trijicon night sights on many handguns anymore.

Yeah not sure if it's true or not, but someone told me that you can't get a new Glock with the adjustable night sights anymore. Mine that I traded had them.

That FNH 5.7 is definitely a badass pistol!
I have a springfield XD40 compact for both concealed and open carry. I literally just bought a Ruger Sp101 for open and conceled carry during the summer months....the springfield is a great gun...but a bit heavy for shorts.

Both are very good guns and if you are interested I can give you my reasons for both weapons.
Yeah not sure if it's true or not, but someone told me that you can't get a new Glock with the adjustable night sights anymore. Mine that I traded had them.

That FNH 5.7 is definitely a badass pistol!

Who says you can't get night sights anymore?
Who says you can't get night sights anymore?

The one kid at the gun range had mentioned something like this, sounded kinda weird to me, but then again I wouldn't know.

BTW, went to the range today and put 200 rounds through my SIG, let me just say it was flawless, no malfunctions, and it was a pleasure to shoot compared to the Glock. No more groups to the left, center mass and tight!:cool:
If you are getting groupings at all, then it probably says more about your shooting that it does about the gun itself.....
If you are getting groupings at all, then it probably says more about your shooting that it does about the gun itself.....

When I say tight groupings most of them I had today where literally right on top of each other or an inch to two inches apart and again none of the shooting left crap and trying to adjust my grip angle, etc. like I had with the G19. I'm sorry, the Glock is a reliable gun and very durable as well, but in terms of accuracy from what I have seen the SIG will destroy it whether you are an expert shooter or a novice shooter. The DAO trigger and grip angle kill it! If the Glocks were better don't you think the Navy SEALs and other special forces would carry them?? They can carry whatever they want and in most cases it is between SIG and H&K for a reason.
Picked up a glock 22c today. Nice piece, ready to shoot it and see how much difference the "c" model makes in recoil and follow up shot speed.

I had a sig P220, would have thrown it in the garbage can if I could not have unloaded it at a gun show. The hk is nice, bit big and bulky, but comes with a threaded barrel if you are considering going suppressed.
Picked up a glock 22c today. Nice piece, ready to shoot it and see how much difference the "c" model makes in recoil and follow up shot speed.

I had a sig P220, would have thrown it in the garbage can if I could not have unloaded it at a gun show. The hk is nice, bit big and bulky, but comes with a threaded barrel if you are considering going suppressed.

The C versions are nice, just make SURE you have your ear protection in:biggrin::biggrin: That is a very accurate gun IMO... You have to go to the competion versions to get better in a glock IMO...

86Brick, if you want night sights let me know I can get them for you...
my g27 groups just fine.steve maybe youre just limp wristed lol. that cant be ah i know you never cleaned the firearm!
my g27 groups just fine.steve maybe youre just limp wristed lol. that cant be ah i know you never cleaned the firearm!

I cleaned it once after the first 500 rounds and I have been told you can shoot thousands of rounds through Glocks without cleaning them and they also run good dry. Honestly in all fairness it was a used firearm so who knows?? I honestly don't think it had very many rounds through it before I purchased it though and no way I was limp wristing it LOL. All I know is the Sig is a better gun for me, it just feels better in my hand along with the DA/SA trigger system. Like with many things in life, everybody has their own preference.
Shane, my Sig has night sights I was referring to the newer Glocks. Thanks for the offer though.

Oh, my bad;) I was really confused. I was like, can't get nightsights:eek:

I just ordered 15 glocks for the store, I am not sure about the Gen4's but I know the new Gen3's have them... I will check and post!
I still like my cheap Ruger P95. popclickclack,popclickclack,popclickclack...
Noisy lil SOB, but it fits in either hand without adjustment or thought, just grab n squeeze till it clicks with no clack! Rinse and Repeat!

Lil bugger never strays more than 3" from center, L-R-U-D @ 20ft, and I just don't care that it does that in rapid emptying of a mag or three.
The way I figure, too many hole in hole's are wasted HOLES in the center mass target. I'd just as soon beat the hell out of an area as group all my shots into an inch like single firing it.

You should try this cheap lil pistol, it fits a big hand and makes more noise with the action than the shot, which assures you it's functioning correctly, and just drives home time and again without further thought!
Made a mistake and sold Taurus 357 and bought Ruger 40,it was to heavy when loaded,sold it and got another 357
For a range toy, this one is always my favorite.
