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Looking to rent GN/GNX


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New Member
Oct 28, 2006
This may sound like a wacky request, but I am looking to rent a Grand National or GNX for just a couple of hours. My fiance and I are getting married (pending official confirmation for December 2nd) and I would dearly love to have this as a gift for our "get-away" car. The GNX has always been my fiance's dream car and I'd love to surprise him with this if at all possible. He currently has a '99 Regal and is an active member in the forums, if that sways anyone with a fellow Buick afficionado....

Looking for a car located in southeastern Michigan, anywhere between Metro Detroit and Toledo. I'm fully prepared to pay for your time, mileage, insurance for the day on the car, and whatever fee you may request (within reason, of course!). Please e-mail me privately if you or someone you know may be able to help me out!
WHy not just buy him one and have the honeymoon in the backseat? REally make his day!
Good luck with your request, that is cool of you!
whos gonna still have their car out in Dec? that may be a little tuff finding one
if i had the engine back in mine id have it out during the december months, then again its still 85* during the days here!:biggrin: :biggrin:

contact Dennis Kirban (google info). he might be able to help in someway.
i believe he is in PA...
Renting out a GNX??? I'd love to see it, but I guess it all depends on what they're willing to pay.

I'm sure if Jay Leno wanted or another Celebrity wanted to "rent" a GNX, there may not be any problem finding one.

By the way, anyone renting any wives or hot looking girlfriends? lol! :biggrin:
LOL !!! Ha Haaa!!! :D :biggrin: :smile: :p But no Kids though.... My 2 Year Old Scares me enough! :eek:

By the way, don't let your wife see your post or you'll be sleeping in your Turbobuick for sure!! :eek:
By the way, don't let your wife see your post or you'll be sleeping in your Turbobuick for sure!! :eek:

Won't be the first time. I keep a blanket in the trunk....along with a bag of doritos.

I know what you mean, I have a two year old too. "Spawn of satan - with a beautiful smile and a heart of gold"