Looks like Neal Steward needs a big group hug. Let's all share.

Gary Wells

White turbo Buick trailer park trash
Mar 2, 2002
No one called me. I guess I'm not a heavy hitter, just a has been I suppose. It makes me a sad panda. :(
Neal Steward
Former cult leader of Brutal 6 Racing. Addicted to Turbo Buicks for over 2 decades.
1987 "Storm Trooper" Turbo T Regal. Mostly stock On center Stage II in work.
"Your car will go as fast as you make it go. Money and stupidity are the limiting factors."
Original quote by Dr. Boost.
750H.P.V6, 49 minutes ago Edit Delete IP Report
#7 Like Reply

Here's a big hug for you, Neal.
I was just thinking today that it is good to see you "back from the dead" and still in the turbo Buick game. I think that this will do just as well instead. We did miss you when you were no longer in the "turbo Buick game".
Gary, Group Hug IMOP for Neal at the meet ;)

If Lee was still in town we could have him bring the Candy
Cyber Hugs!!!!!!
Great idea, Brent.
But I think that we should all welcome him back too.
Gawd, those are males too.
Maybe they are going to play drop the soap".
Or spin the bottle.
Whatever they are playing, I wouldn't want to be that guy in the middle.
I think that he's dead meat.
candy anyone?


your part of the "old guys" like it or not,
we don't do hugs.......

we have parties at Gary's house and everyone cums ?
Yesterday when I was making calls off of my heavy hitters list, I realized that I had forgotten my "Extra Heavy" hitters list at home. Your on that list, somewhere between Mean Chicken, and Jay Leno.;)

Talk to you tomorrow.

Mike Barnard
Yesterday when I was making calls off of my heavy hitters list, I realized that I had forgotten my "Extra Heavy" hitters list at home. Your on that list, somewhere between Mean Chicken, and Jay Leno.;)

Talk to you tomorrow.

Mike Barnard

The Heavy hitters list must include those who are over 250 pounds, maybe that is why Neal and I never got a call. :(
Guess I should of read Spool's thread first, since this one made NO sense... .I thought Gary finally fell off his rocker :eek:
Every member of the Southwestern Section is special to me, I love everybody.
And I fell off my rocker quite a while back, that's probably what's a matter with me.
It's just something that you go through getting old.
It is true that "Only the good die young", and evidently I didn't qualify.
It is good to know that you and your white Turbo T are back with us.
Looks like we might have lost Morgan for good though. That's very unfortunate.
Neal how is that white Regal coming along, Has Ralph tried to buy it yet & promise to keep it for ever ? :)
Neal how is that white Regal coming along, Has Ralph tried to buy it yet & promise to keep it for ever ? :)


The white Regal is coming along pretty well. I'm still fixing some small bits and pieces but overall it's not too bad for a 25 year old car. Ralph hasn't tried to buy it yet but I'm sure he's just waiting for the opportunity when I let my guard down. It's part of his evil plan to own every Turbo Buick in So Cal even if he only keeps them for a couple of weeks at a time. :D
