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low attendance @ last stl meet


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elbows & a$$holes
Mar 31, 2006
some of you's missed a pretty good coil pack/ignition module troubleshooting demonstration last sunday. also had some oil tech/class on variety of oils and zinc content etc. weather was nice, been nice if we had a bigger turnout. however, now that i've posted this, 10 to 1 i'll have to work the next sunday we have a meet. :rolleyes: wish i coulda made it to the track tues, but had to work nights first half the week :frown:
btw i'm not bitching about low attendance :tongue: guess i shouldn't have titled the thread like that now that i reread it. :redface: was just pointing it out since i'm used to seeing more faces at previous meets. :cool:
I live in the st. louis area and would like to get some info about TR clubs/meets. I also would have loved to have been there for the coil/ module tech as I'm trying to troubleshoot a possible coil pack/ module problem right now.
yeah i wish i coulda made it... between work and trying to do some things to the car - i just ran outta time:( :( :( been real busy as of late - now the car is on jack stands - hopefully not for long - :cool: I at least wanna make it to the track one last time
We had about 10 for the recent meeting. That is a very low showing considering what we've had for the previous two. We've had 25+ for each of the previous two. Maybe the Rams games interfere with the meetings. Or just when they play Dallas.

In addition, there were only two Buicks that we knew were with the club on Tuesday. Tony Shoaff, who once again *blasted* the six cylinder ET _and_ MPH records, and Larry Bell with his high-10-second Buick 455 powered '66 Corvair. (That one had some of the younger set in the stands scratching their heads. "What is that thing?) There was a supercharged FWD Regal there, but I don't think he was with the club.

There are two Gateway Raceway dates on the calendar for November. (1st and 15th) I'd like to encourage the club to go to the November 1st date as a group. However, I don't know if this should be considered the "club meeting" date for November, or a "separate" event. Not everyone races, or wants to spend the money to attend if not racing.

If we do a regular November meeting as well, perhaps it could be a "swap meet" where you bring your own (Buick) stuff to sell/trade/swap. In addition, we could have the people in attendance "recommend" people for the club 'board'. Then in December, have a club "end of year party / elections / pay your f*&$in' dues party", perhaps at the South County Hooters.

But that's just a thought... Let me know what you think. If the track/swap/party idea is a go, I'll get the ball rolling.