Work has been getting in the way of working out the bugs, but this is what I've found so far. At idle and acceleration, the BLM is at 128 and doesn't move. The INT does fluctuate, it goes from the 120's to the 140's. The car does not stall any more like my previous post, but it does stall after the initial start, upon restarting it, it will idle until I shut it off. The idle still fluctuates a bit from 750 to 900, it did not do that prior to adding the Maft pro. I had a turbo tweak chip in it. I read the prior post, but unfortunately don't understand all of what you sent in regards to the adjustments. When I bought the car, all I got was the Maft pro and small guide. I don't know much about programming. I think the idle should be smoother, but I don't know what adjustments to make on the Maft, I'm still new to this.
The Maft is currently running version 4.40, is this current?