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Major blow to Law Enforcement in NJ


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I'm all for the Police right now! You guys are the best!

Had my truck broken into this week by a guy that works on and off for me. He stole two pistols, one of which was my Father's. I knew who did it without any doubt, and the boys in blue picked him up two nights later. He of course wasn't giving it up, but they got my stuff back anyway! Not going to press charges on my case because of what it took to get the property returned, however they have him on another burglary charge so he'll be as the lead dectetive said "going home to the farm"!!

As far as searching or not searching and all that, shouldn't it be the same as the way one would handle someone drinking. In the county I live in it's just as illegal to possess alcohol as it is marijuana, unless you are inside city limits in which case you can possess beer but not liquor or wine, unless it's on Sunday in which case you can't have either.

My point is the laws can become ludacris, we all know that you aren't supposed to drive drunk, high or in any other way impaired (and yes just plain old tired counts). These laws get over complicated because our judicial system needs another way to overcomplicate and create uniform pc behavior. Do the police abuse their power at times, sure. Is that a justification for for another law to overcomplicate an already complicated issue, probably not. The police have a very tough gig, low pay and get to deal with the worst society can dish up. Like every group they have their good people and bad people, speaking of which....

Troop you owe that man an apology! As a big chit talker myself I can say definitively that was a dick move to insult mcs. wife like that. I talk about Ronnie's teeth and calls me a cousin screwin' redneck, but somethings are just simply off limits!!!!
I keep seeing posts that suggest that your attitude has to be nice to the policeman in order to be treated fairly.

I'm saddened to see that this is what has become of our country. Our citizens have been brainwashed into believing they are subjects in some sort of kingdom where your liberties are controlled at the whim and mood of the police.

It shouldn't matter one bit what the cop personally feels about you. Either he is enforcing laws or he is carrying out personal vendettas.

Unfortunately it is a fact of life that there are enough laws on the books to criminalize nearly every waking moment. Every day there are more. Everyone on this forum is a law breaker and it's only going to get worse.

This empowers police to essentially be judge, jury, and executioner. They can pick and choose what level of "justice" they see fit depending on their mood. One minute you can be just receiving a speeding ticket, and the next minute that cop can change his mind and decide he "smells" something. Based upon that he can now have your vehicle towed and detain you. What is the penalty if he is wrong? Nothing... you get a "have a nice day". What kind of insanity is this?

There is a problem with our "justice" system when the U.S. currently has the largest documented prison population in the world, both in absolute and proportional terms. We've got roughly 2.03 million people behind bars, or 701 per 100,000 population.

Maybe if we looked into a somewhat libertarian document called "The Constitution" we'd come to our senses and stop putting people in prison over stupid things like plants and many other non violent "crimes"

I "try" to be nice to everyone. Everyone deserves respect until they do something to not deserve it...

Why not be nice? Most cops are cool. Some of them get over zealous it seems but think about from there point of view. They put their lives on the line every time they go on duty. While trying to do that duty they have to obey the same basic laws we do while trying to protect US from people that do not obey the laws...

How often do us civilians get our lives put in harms way daily? An officer on patrol does every time he gets out of the car to talk to someone. We can all assume that we all "look" normal and not suspicious but normal people do crazy stuff everyday... A little old man could be drinking have a gun and had a bad day... Every time they get out of the car something could happen...

Give them a little respect! You could need them one day! Yea we pay taxes for their salaries etc...:rolleyes: Would you put your life on the line everyday for what most cops make? Most of them are good folks that like helping... I did say most... I know a few that do not fall into the category...

Cut a little slack!
Troop you owe that man an apology! As a big chit talker myself I can say definitively that was a dick move to insult mcs. wife like that. I talk about Ronnie's teeth and calls me a cousin screwin' redneck, but somethings are just simply off limits!!!!

I agree 100%, wives, kids, moms are off limits!!! I wish that mcs. wife and troop both went to BG and she b!tch slapped him in front of everybody for that comment.:D Now that would be Justice.
Btw Adam how is your cousin!!!!:D :D
First of all, I want to know, what exactly is, ''an order of marijuana''.
Secondly, if you don't fool with the ****, I guess you don't have any worries in the world now do you. When I read that, I just dismissed it immediately, citing ''that doesn't affect me''. Why? I will never posess it, nor smell of it. Ever. No worries on this end. :)
It's 'odor' of marijuana, not 'order' least I think so. :)

Lot's of angry people in the world. I run into 'em every day. Eventually they will comply with the law, the easy way or the hard way. It just is what it is, folks. I'm glad we have this forumn so that everyone can be an internet hero and tough guy, however. :)

Shane, good solid advice again. Thanks for being the voice of reason in a **** storm.
It also just go's to show how childish you are with that kind of response but $hit about my wife and I'll kick your punk azz back to Ohio
Whats funny is just to prove the point that SOME cops tend to powertrip is that the argument between you and buckeye started with you giving him a compliment by saying he wasnt one to need training and he had to play big bad ass and turn it into something else now mabye im wrong and he misunderstood or his personallity is just that way
and its mere coincidence that he happens to be a cop and a hothead :rolleyes: or mabye not!!! Either way he is reinforcing the cop=a hole stereotype :eek: just my .02
All cops are a-holes, just depends on if you're getting a ticket or not. LOL. I get told both, depending on if I'm holding some paperwork for you in my hand. Warning? Nice guy. Cite? What a jerk!! :biggrin: Another fact of life.

As previously stated it all depends on how the person being stopped wants to behave. If you're nice I'll work with you, if you fail the attitude test then obviously education won't work and enforcement is necessary. Bad attitude usually predicates a 'tall stack' for everything I find wrong. Again, just the way of the world. Yell all you want, voice your opinion, all cops are dicks, blah blah blah. In the end you pay to play...
dam this thread has gone way wrong, Troop, your wrong about making the comment you made, i'm sure you did'nt mean it. I have met Mcasteel and i can honestly say he's a great guy, made my family and friends feel so welcome'd he did'nt deserve that. I will say this I don't want a dope head behind the wheel of a car, i know it's only weed but weed is illegal guys, some people can do weed and it has no effect on them, with others it completely changes them for the worse. 95% off all cops are great people
yes there are bad ones, but you can't judge a group by the actions of one.

I know it might piss someone off but i would rather have a LEO, do whatvever he has to do to get someone off the street who does not need to be driving, I don't need an A-hole who is high driving a car, he could ruin a families life in an instant. if your going to get high do it at home and you will have no problems with LEO's at all :smile: