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March 11Th "Can't wait to be free"


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Jan 31, 2006
Can you say "Daylight savings time"?
You know
Get out of work at 5 and still have 4.5 hours of daylight to
1-Play with the kids
2-Work on the car "escape the wife"

The count down has begun
12 days to go. YeAHHHHH baby-eeeee
Yep......just a matter of time now. :D I've had it with winter and looking at the car sleeping in the garage..........:frown:

Yap it may mean more daylight but think of the electric bill.Less time to burn the lights. :biggrin:
OH YEAH!!! I had forgot that it starts again in March rather than April this year! :D

regal-nut; love the avator!
Blah....DST is one of the silliest things they've ever come up with. Lived in Indiana for 20 years before they changed the law on it, when it didn't exist. We never messed with our clocks and we were all happy campers.
Blah....DST is one of the silliest things they've ever come up with. Lived in Indiana for 20 years before they changed the law on it, when it didn't exist. We never messed with our clocks and we were all happy campers.

Like it of not
BTW DST is one of the greatest inventions ever.
I lose an hour of sleep...:redface:
I get off early in the afternoon so I have plenty of daylight to play...:biggrin:
regal-nut; love the avator!

Ok i took a pick hope you all have some laughs. Its a one of a kind.The sks is a copy of the romanian that i own. :biggrin:


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BTW DST is one of the greatest inventions ever.

Says who?????

We never had DST in Indy up until the new law was passed 3 years ago. Life was good for us. Never had to worry about turning back/forward clocks, never had to worry about being late to work due to it, summertime the sun went down past 8 pm, and up long before 6 am. DST was just the end result of one of those dumb politicians putting his hand in the cookie jar. That's all.
Says who?????

We never had DST in Indy up until the new law was passed 3 years ago. Life was good for us. Never had to worry about turning back/forward clocks, never had to worry about being late to work due to it, summertime the sun went down past 8 pm, and up long before 6 am. DST was just the end result of one of those dumb politicians putting his hand in the cookie jar. That's all.

I get you
But now in NYC we have day light till 9:00 PM plus. And for me it’s great, I start work between 9:00 and 10:00 AM and get out between 4:00 and 6:00 PM that leaves me with about 5 hours of day light.
So to answer your question
DST is great according to me :biggrin: