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March 11Th "Can't wait to be free"


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Can you say "Daylight savings time"?
You know
Get out of work at 5 and still have 4.5 hours of daylight to
1-Play with the kids
2-Work on the car "escape the wife"

The count down has begun
12 days to go. YeAHHHHH baby-eeeee

Well? hows it feel to be free?!
Says who?????

We never had DST in Indy up until the new law was passed 3 years ago. Life was good for us. Never had to worry about turning back/forward clocks, never had to worry about being late to work due to it, summertime the sun went down past 8 pm, and up long before 6 am. DST was just the end result of one of those dumb politicians putting his hand in the cookie jar. That's all.

Yup. Ditch Mitch!
Says who?????

We never had DST in Indy up until the new law was passed 3 years ago. Life was good for us. Never had to worry about turning back/forward clocks, never had to worry about being late to work due to it, summertime the sun went down past 8 pm, and up long before 6 am. DST was just the end result of one of those dumb politicians putting his hand in the cookie jar. That's all.

Actually you used to have daylight savings time before. WWII did this as a national law to cut down on useage of power and it was nation wide. There were some areas and countries that did a double DSL so they were 2 hours ahead. How's that for a kick.:biggrin:
Actually you used to have daylight savings time before. WWII did this as a national law to cut down on useage of power and it was nation wide. There were some areas and countries that did a double DSL so they were 2 hours ahead. How's that for a kick.:biggrin:

I think we had DLS year round for 1 or 2 yrs.Must have been during the first oil crunch.Late 70's or early 80's.Some old folks refused to change their time,thought it wasn't right.:rolleyes:
Didn't catch the date of the first postings and was about to say WTF.. you're a few days early ;)
Now you have to get up earlier though, always liked the 'fall back' extra hour myself.
I think it's Arizona that doesn't have DST, I heard it was to accommodate all the golfers !
I get bone with daylight savings time this time around. I'm on day shift this week, I'll lose an hours sleep, will be as if I'm getting up at 0345, Yuk! I'm not a morning person.
handball season is almost here can't wait