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Michael Vick


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This indictment is ridiculous.

Michael Vick is a very good 'A' list professional athlete.

'A' list professional athletes... along with 'A' list entertainers and politicians... must, by necessity, live under different rules than the rest of us. To be more specific, they deserve to live in a world of virtually no rules.


Because they are better than the rest of us.

Also, because of the vast amount of money and fame we lavish upon them we are subjecting them to temptations beyond what anyone can reasonably be expected to resist. And I'm sure we all can agree that any transgressions these celebrities commit is a small price for society to pay in return for the immense benefit they, the celebrities, provide.

So a couple of dogs get killed... what are people going to miss more, a couple of dogs or watching Vick work his magic on the field?

The travesty in this is that, all along, Vick has been lead to believe that he is an 'A' list celebrity... yet now we are reneging on the deal.

In short, Vick is the victim here.
Kinda crazy that the youngest Vick, Marcus, looks like the altar boy now !
pretty good blob but as a Judge..................I never heard of Michael Vick, I was shown tapes of his games then felt MV had poor athletic ability, I didn't pay him, dismiss celebrity, dislike team sports particulary football, I'm not an Atlanta sports fan and I live by rules so have a zero understanding how it is possible others are exempt from them

now what?
pretty good blob but as a Judge..................I never heard of Michael Vick, I was shown tapes of his games then felt MV had poor athletic ability, I didn't pay him, dismiss celebrity, dislike team sports particulary football, I'm not an Atlanta sports fan and I live by rules so have a zero understanding how it is possible others are exempt from them

now what?

I'm just kind of pissed because I had some of Vick's dogs on my fantasy team.
If you raise a child to act like an animal thats how they will act. If you raise a dog to fight thats how it will act reguardless of the breed. Ur right, the Pit Bull is actually a very gentle breed if raised correctly just like any breed.

People just continue to be and will be ignorant in this reguard. It's almost as ignorant as stating one race is more violent then another. There are so many contibuting factors as to why someone acts the way they do. Just like raising a dog it does not matter what breed it is. If you make it mean it will be mean.

yup... hit the nail on the head :cool: here is my "killer" ... shhhhhhh ..don't want to wake him up :eek:


  • snozzer.JPG
    36.9 KB · Views: 210
He's awake, you can see that his eye is open. He's pretending to sleep, be VERY careful, he'll attack at the slightest movement.
"I'm just kind of pissed because I had some of Vick's dogs on my fantasy team."

Oh yeah? What were their names.............."D Block", "D Fence" or maybe "In-dight"?
having had a couple of pit bulls, i too want to see him get punished but lets be honest if this was me or you, we would have most likely gone to jail, worked out a plea deal and that would have been it. IMO this is getting all this attention because of who the person is , NOT the crime itself.
I Think they should put him in the PIT with the pits and see how he fairs. What a POS. It's unfortunate the animal creulty laws are so weak. There a joke!

He will get a fine and have his accountant handle it by writing a check which accounts for about 10 minutes worth of work for him.

Everyone has a misconception about Pit Bulls. They are no different then any other dog other then they are low to the ground and have a slightly stronger bite then some (not all) breeds. The reason you see and hear so many horror stories about Pits is simply because they breed very large litters and most of the puppies are not placed in homes so when these dogs breed in the cities they almost always have puppies that run wild. But I can tell you after worked as a Cop for 12 years in one of the most violent cites in the country and have never seen a Pit bite anyone nor have I ever been afraid of a Pit. The ones that worry me are the ones with tags that are not acclimated to strangers. Pits are no more aggresive towards another dog then numerous other breeds are.

They are not naturally aggressive toward people and is the reason why you will rarely see them being used for personal protection training. It's comical to see certain towns banning them from ownership cause someone got bit. The dalmation (yea, the firehouse dog) lead the country in people bites a couple years back. Not the Pit Bull. That changes from year to year. Pits are easy to come by and cheap which is another reason why they are used to fight.

Innocent until proven Yea OJ was innocent as well I guess.

The cop that came into my apartment illegally to issue a summons was scared as hell of my two pit bulls. Of course, they just wanted to meet him and were happy to see a new person which is typical behavior of pit bulls. Pit bulls also make horrible guard dogs because they're friendly to everyone, so don't trust one to protect your GN/TR. :p
i would expect a REDNECK from indiana to say some ignorant **** like that
innocent until proven guilty.....thats all i have to say...and as far as im concerned we dont know what happened yet..the trial has not came lets leave this to the jury.....and i hope he gets what he deserves.. punishment or relief.....but all this name calling is very childish if you ask me..
Originally Posted by Pitbozz View Post is hard to read your ads. You capitalize every word and use punctuation just enough to be irritating. And I am not nitpicking every word you spelled wrong, but it's hard to take you seriously when you get the basic stuff so wrong. Good luck with the sale, though.
HE"S TRYING TO SELL HIS CAR>>>YOU WANT IT GO LOOK AT IT...DON"T WANT IT >>FINE! WHY THE B.S. SHUT YOUR ***uckin traps.. Change the chanel if you don't like his spelling...Go to or something man. Nick pick..who cares and why answer.why you even on the board. I watch this board for ten years before I membered. I've owned my car since '91. I have total respect for the true members of this site.. this isn't a chat room or MYSPACE. man My heart bleeds some days. Sorry sbout the spelling but I'm spelling in Canadian English you TWITS. Mom always said"you got nothing nice to say,say nothing at all or you'll get ANTHERONE.. QIUT YER CRYIN...BASTERD"..JK 1st parts true the rest came from US writers.
87 GN,Walboro 340 w/upgrade,160 thermo,RJC FMIC and pwr Plate,wiring upgrades, GT 6152 Turbo,50# injectors,Accuf Adj fuel reg.TCS 9x11 3600stall and shiftkit.GenII,Turbotweaks chips,Dualfans fr/Gbodypparts Ashtry switches,glovebox gauges.etc etc etc. 40000 km. 12.19@ 60ft/changed plugs to 032 gap. new update 18/06/07 11.72 @ 115.68 1.78 60'// AND now Razor's Alky, H&R pro race kit and still tuning
THOUGHT i WOULD post YOUR MESS. so other people coulf+d see.. sORY tYOUONG IN the queens english...oH MY GOD NO cap FOR qUEEN. yOU TWIT. yOUR A FRIG ANIMAL KILLER TO, yA RUGHT THIRE iNOCENT....wATCH THIS IDIOT gUYS,,..

Search anybody's thread and you can find out what kind of person they are....Truly beleive that you have killed animals at Drunkun bashes... Hell I'm Canadian but your an Idioooot. I Have had pig fests with bike gangs....Woint say who. OOOps spelled a word wrong don't Put me in spot light now! JERKOFF

Shut your trap..You really bug me Punk As well as your "unbiased Buddies" Can't wait to come to your area on my vacation with my illiteriate friends