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Michael Vick


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Drew L

Gerry Attrick
May 24, 2001
This is really a horrific "sport". I could care less about pit bulls but much of the footage related to this case is tough to watch
wat a piece of garbage

:mad: :mad: theyre still living creatures and none of God's creations should be subjected to such horrific tortures...turns my stomach just thinking that theyre sickos out there like a huge animal lover and im sure many others on this board are too...they have to stiften laws on this garbage
What happen to innocent until proven guilty :confused:

hang'em all i guess:cool:

Are you serious? Have you read the indictment against him?

Its like saying Jeffery Dahlmer didnt kill those guys; or Ted Bundy is Innocent;

Must be a Falcon Fan:rolleyes:
I Think they should put him in the PIT with the pits and see how he fairs. What a POS. It's unfortunate the animal creulty laws are so weak. There a joke!

He will get a fine and have his accountant handle it by writing a check which accounts for about 10 minutes worth of work for him.

Everyone has a misconception about Pit Bulls. They are no different then any other dog other then they are low to the ground and have a slightly stronger bite then some (not all) breeds. The reason you see and hear so many horror stories about Pits is simply because they breed very large litters and most of the puppies are not placed in homes so when these dogs breed in the cities they almost always have puppies that run wild. But I can tell you after worked as a Cop for 12 years in one of the most violent cites in the country and have never seen a Pit bite anyone nor have I ever been afraid of a Pit. The ones that worry me are the ones with tags that are not acclimated to strangers. Pits are no more aggresive towards another dog then numerous other breeds are.

They are not naturally aggressive toward people and is the reason why you will rarely see them being used for personal protection training. It's comical to see certain towns banning them from ownership cause someone got bit. The dalmation (yea, the firehouse dog) lead the country in people bites a couple years back. Not the Pit Bull. That changes from year to year. Pits are easy to come by and cheap which is another reason why they are used to fight.

Innocent until proven Yea OJ was innocent as well I guess.
My question is why doesn't the NFL sideline him like they did PacMan Jones? The Fed's are after him. They probably wouldn't bother unless they had a real good case. If you can do that to a dog, humans are just the next step. He gave money to VT after the shooting, wonder if they will give it back?
this is a federal indictment. there is NO way his attorney is going to write a check for this. this guy is in neck deep. he deserves everything he gets.
Gettin there....

The local scandal sheet says his endorsements, shirt sales, and his participation on the Falcon website, is faaassstt going in the toilet! Great start to putting his sorry a$$ out on the street.;)
I know Arthur Blank, as 1 of my ex wives was his personal asst at HD.:D
He is a NO NONSENSE guy, and will not tolerate this $hit, even if he has to draft a HS qback for the 07/08 season!!:eek:
No one has really considered the fact that you can put 2 pits that dont know each other in a room, and they'll fight. Thats in their blood, they are agressive animals, you know the same breed notorious for hurting humans w/o warning and w/o reason. (Thus GA having laws against agressive breeds....and many communities completely outlawed owning them and having them on your own property) Do I agree w/ organized fighting and intentional killing for money, HECK NO!! I just wish 1/2 of the people outraged about this have 1/2 the heart towards an unborn child, that's where the shame lies, a dead dog has more legal rights than a living unborn child.
Also, If I kill my cat tonight w/ a butcher knife, should I lose my job?! That's between me and my boss, and the law...not the public. Let the judicial system handle this, and give him the chance to say what he did. If he's guilty then punish him, if he isn't though.....he will NEVER get the first apology.
I see the overwhelming evidence, and like OJ, he may be innocent (yeah right)
I hope he gets what he deserves, whatever that may be.
now, I gotta go get my flame suit, and tie it on.
No one has really considered the fact that you can put 2 pits that dont know each other in a room, and they'll fight. Thats in their blood, they are agressive animals, you know the same breed notorious for hurting humans w/o warning and w/o reason. (Thus GA having laws against agressive breeds....and many communities completely outlawed owning them and having them on your own property) Do I agree w/ organized fighting and intentional killing for money, HECK NO!! I just wish 1/2 of the people outraged about this have 1/2 the heart towards an unborn child, that's where the shame lies, a dead dog has more legal rights than a living unborn child.
Also, If I kill my cat tonight w/ a butcher knife, should I lose my job?! That's between me and my boss, and the law...not the public. Let the judicial system handle this, and give him the chance to say what he did. If he's guilty then punish him, if he isn't though.....he will NEVER get the first apology.
Is he guilty IMO?!.... probably to some degree, but in America he is afforded a trial by his peers to determine his involvement, and has the right to innocence before being proven guilty.
Til I hear guilty (which will prob happen to some degree) I want to see him pass poorly on every sunday, and run past entire teams in QB scrambles, he is still an unbelievable athlete, and has earned the right to play.

now, I gotta go get my flame suit, and tie it on.

Maybe you should look at the facts that people that abuse animals are just at the beginning of their careers as wife beaters, child molesters, serial killers(#1 sport for animal abusers).
I believe in innocent until proven guilty- but I am also very much attuned to human behaviour-
A person of Vic's statue in the US , with the connections to the media and news industry that he has- would have been on public TV, called in every newspaper and tabloid...... IF he were innocent ! Wouldn't you ???
Regardless- a cop on the street pulls someone over and is fired upon- when he fires back and hurts or kills (doing his JOB) he is immediately suspended with pay until case is cleared.Vic so far without this case- has brought negative attention to the class of treatment afforded to the privileged in the NFL. He needs to be suspended - period !
(Your cat comparison doesn't float- you(to my knowledge) do not make a major impact on the youth of this country.Not to belittle you in any way-this just isn't a like comparrison)
No one has really considered the fact that you can put 2 pits that dont know each other in a room, and they'll fight. Thats in their blood, they are agressive animals, you know the same breed notorious for hurting humans w/o warning and w/o reason. (Thus GA having laws against agressive breeds....and many communities completely outlawed owning them and having them on your own property) Do I agree w/ organized fighting and intentional killing for money, HECK NO!! I just wish 1/2 of the people outraged about this have 1/2 the heart towards an unborn child, that's where the shame lies, a dead dog has more legal rights than a living unborn child.
Also, If I kill my cat tonight w/ a butcher knife, should I lose my job?! That's between me and my boss, and the law...not the public. Let the judicial system handle this, and give him the chance to say what he did. If he's guilty then punish him, if he isn't though.....he will NEVER get the first apology.
I see the overwhelming evidence, and like OJ, he may be innocent (yeah right)
I hope he gets what he deserves, whatever that may be.
now, I gotta go get my flame suit, and tie it on.

Not true. My dad was a veterinarian for 30 years. He had a few pit bull breeders for clients. The are very calm docile dogs. Its the owners that make them mean.
The true 100% Pits are docile doggies, its the mut-type Pits that are sometimes looney..
YouTube - Dogfight Part I: Michael Vick vs. Senator Robert Byrd

half of what the Grand Kleagle from the Exalted Cyclops has to say about dogfighting on the United States Senate floor. There is another 13 minutes of this stalwart Senator speaking...............I guess..............about.................something. This guy doesn't even know what day it is yet he represents you and me.

"Ya' hear meh!"
No one has really considered the fact that you can put 2 pits that dont know each other in a room, and they'll fight. Thats in their blood, they are agressive animals, you know the same breed notorious for hurting humans w/o warning and w/o reason. (Thus GA having laws against agressive breeds....and many communities completely outlawed owning them and having them on your own property) Do I agree w/ organized fighting and intentional killing for money, HECK NO!! I just wish 1/2 of the people outraged about this have 1/2 the heart towards an unborn child, that's where the shame lies, a dead dog has more legal rights than a living unborn child.
Also, If I kill my cat tonight w/ a butcher knife, should I lose my job?! That's between me and my boss, and the law...not the public. Let the judicial system handle this, and give him the chance to say what he did. If he's guilty then punish him, if he isn't though.....he will NEVER get the first apology.
I see the overwhelming evidence, and like OJ, he may be innocent (yeah right)
I hope he gets what he deserves, whatever that may be.
now, I gotta go get my flame suit, and tie it on.

Not true. My dad was a veterinarian for 30 years. He had a few pit bull breeders for clients. The are very calm docile dogs. Its the owners that make them mean.

If you raise a child to act like an animal thats how they will act. If you raise a dog to fight thats how it will act reguardless of the breed. Ur right, the Pit Bull is actually a very gentle breed if raised correctly just like any breed.

People just continue to be and will be ignorant in this reguard. It's almost as ignorant as stating one race is more violent then another. There are so many contibuting factors as to why someone acts the way they do. Just like raising a dog it does not matter what breed it is. If you make it mean it will be mean.
Give the guy a break. Michael Vick didn't any of that stuff he's accused of.

It was Ron Mexico.
They should let the dogs who are still alive get a round with him in the ring.