Well Bison you were RIGHT and I was WRONG...the o-ring had a huge tear in it, I suppose when it was under higher than idle/vacuum fuel pressures it started to leak badly.
Guys, I must be honest although I've been modding cars for 16+ years and everything BUT this old Buick has been one of the harder cars I've ever worked on and I think it is just due to the age of the design and the age of the parts, even the aftermarket parts I have on my car (that came with it) are between 8-10 years old. I'm only 35 and my scope of car knowledge just doesn't cover some of the older technology used such as saginaw fittings and such in the fuel system.

Not making excuses here, just admitting at this point I am a true Buick novice..moving forward I think I'm going to check with the community before I do anything on this car and I hope I continue to get the support of my fellow Buick buddies.
Sheesh, well I've unplugged the 2nd pump (which I don't need with my little motor and turbo) and I doubt I'll have this problem again. Next weekend I should have the fuel pressure transducer, 3 bar AEM map all hooked up to the power logger for accurate data acquisition so hopefully I'll know the whole story regarding the fuel pressure rise under boost etc.