Monthly meeting Sat. August 9th...


Staff member
Aug 20, 2001 Steak and Shake. Meeting Starts around 7:30 PM. Hope to see everyone there.

I won't be able to make it. I'll be in north carolina but I'll be at the one at towers.
hey i might be out there but i will be for sure if i can use some ones turbolink cause i got something wrong with my car cant figure it out it fly till about 55 right after the shift it begins to pop and fall on its face i just want to make a 2 of runs.It would be a huge help i know u alll know how frustarting it get when thing screw up thanks post if u can help.

even if there is rain... is everyone still going to go to Steak n Shake? We can just all go inside and eat or something. Let me know, don't wanna go out there for nothing.
Rain rain go away come around some other day.....

Looks like a rain out.........
There were three of us there but by 8 we left...that's twice I've used time off and gotten rained out. :(
Yup, the rain kept me home. Not to mention the tornado warnings posted for Broward County. It's too much of a long drive for me, specially KNOWING it was going to be a rain out.

Originally posted by Vendor Defendor
actually, you know what would be funny? is if Jason (1of1035) showed up and ran, because he has this sticker on his car... i am sure the ricers would take kindly to that ;)


Sorry neil. Sticker came off recently. Too many people recognized it and I just got tired of it. But it would of been funny. I didn't plan on going out when I took the sticker off and now of course plans change.