The "Original part number" on both mounts is the same 17986652. The only thing that changes the right from the left is the MINOR MODIFICATION I mentioned. That is where part number 12398532 comes in. The PAS Print I have clearly states that the they started with part number17986652, then removed 9mm. of material from the two lower tangs on the bottom (single bolt end) (Iwas wrong last night when I said "edge" so I got out the print and am looking at it now- sorry)
This is the material that forms the "anti-lift , or" trap" in case the mount should fail.NO-JOKE - THATS IT>>>> I was also wrong last night when I said there was a white paint "dot" on the left side, The print clearly says "STRIPE OF CONTRASTING COLOR" I don't know how I can make up fot those terrible mistakes, but I will try to be more accurate in the future. If there is anyone on this site that lives in the Metro-Detroit area that woulld like to verify this, I would be happy to review these prints with them.
I know there has been a concern for the availibility of replacement parts for OUR cars, and hopes this helps everyone. Thanx - Turbota (#70)