My 10.20 passes


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2001
Car looks pretty badass with the wheels up launch! :cool: Wish the videos were higher quality, but something is better than nothing...

Thanks for sharing and good job on the car, it's running like a Champ :)
I will say it again, you are your dad have some killer stuff!
I love the white car!!!
EightSecV6 said:
Looks nice Mike, I talked to Pops yesterday, keep pushing it!

Thanks Billy, you have alot to do with it. I would love you to work your magic and put the Midas touch on this car to get it over the hump.
wiked87gn said:
sweet car but the video looks like it was made in the 1940's. :)

Sorry man, I am trying. If I could find out how to transfer the video from my camcorder to my computer I would do it in a heart beat. That 1940's version is me sitting in front of the tv with my digital camera recording it as it plays off the camcorder. I will see if I can get this thing working properly.
ttypewhite said:
Sorry man, I am trying. If I could find out how to transfer the video from my camcorder to my computer I would do it in a heart beat. That 1940's version is me sitting in front of the tv with my digital camera recording it as it plays off the camcorder. I will see if I can get this thing working properly.
Hey either way, Congrats and nice car. I kind of like the old looking visual, adds a little flava :cool: