I agree. I use cork gaskets on the v-covers and glue them to the v-covers with RTV and let them dry over night before installing them. Then I make sure the heads are sterilized REAL GOOD with paint thinner before installing them and I do not over tighten them. I also retighten them after a day or so b/c the gaskets do shrink a bit.
The oilpan I use cork also but I use RTV on both sides and I only use RTV for the end seals, no rubber gaskets. I let this dry over night before adding any oil. This still only slows down the oil leaks when under boost.
BUT, what really made a difference in keeping my driveway clean was the installation of an Electric Crankcase Evacuation System on the car (do a search). No more leaks even after test runs at 30psi of boost and others have had great success with this idea. Some will say this is a bandaid and I agree! But I'm willing to accept this bandaid as long as it will stick.
One time when i installed new cork valve cover gaskets and totally unplaned to do so a couple of days later i decided to pull the covers to check the rocker arms. After taking the bolts out i had to pry the covers off with a big screwdriver, this was with just snugging them down evenly and not over tightening them and i was running an open element breather on each cover at the time.