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My meth goes fast. Why.


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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2005
Ok, when I got the pump back from Julio from a rebuild, I was still experiencing knock. Seen my inline filter had a slight leak. Fixed the leak and no change. Though, my car really drinks the alky. The jug was about 3/4 to 7/8ths full, and in one light cruise night I used all the alky. How. I remember when I first got it installed it lasted a long time. And others have commented on how theirs lasts a week or so. What am I doing wrong? I didn't find any leaks, but haven't done the 'put paper towels down and hit the test button' test yet either.
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And my button does go green when I put the gain on 8 and hold the test button down. I forgot though. How fast is it supposed to turn green? Mine takes about 2 full seconds.
hitting the test might make 30psi, running under boost pressure could be over 150psi
you need to test at running boost pressures for leaks to do that you should get razors alky tester setup
or on the cheap you can test at simulated 30psi of boost
a spare nozzle setup and a jug to spray into ..
pull the hose from your nozzle at up pipe and connect to the spare nozzle setup
put the nozzle in a jug or the alky reservoir if it will reach
and then with key on disconnect the map sensor plug and bridge a wire from the 5v input gray pin to the output green pin and that will run pump at full output pressure and you can look for the leaks
Ah. That makes sense. What about this. Could I just go on a quick wot blast then pull over and check? Does meth evaporate that quickly?
Meth doesn't evaporate that fast.
Either you have a leak you haven't found.. or hammering on it.. also check the outlet fitting at the tank, sometimes it can break when moved beyond its physical limits.

If you drive and not get into boost activating the system, your level shouldn't change.
Granted, I had a few wot races on my cruise night as well. How long providing there's no leaks, should an almost full tank should last?
Granted, I had a few wot races on my cruise night as well. How long providing there's no leaks, should an almost full tank should last?
A very long time.. Heat will probably play a role on evaporation.. Nothing anyone would notice or post about.

If your hammering on it.. it is what it is. :happy:
Define hammering lol. I gotta know so I know if my stuff is doing what it's supposed to do or not. Or I could call you lol.
You must have a leak, I hammer my car all the time and do not use excessive amounts. Check your system, at a Buick event a few months ago 70% of the kits had problems.
I'm betting you have a leak somewhere....Just did 3 1/4 mile passes at the track with using a little on the drive there....Still had 3/4 of a tank when finished....That's with a single nozzle and a slow car though.....
I'm betting you have a leak somewhere....Just did 3 1/4 mile passes at the track with using a little on the drive there....Still had 3/4 of a tank when finished....That's with a single nozzle and a slow car though.....

I'm with you. My car is slow and I never run less than 1/2 a tank of alky and it'll maybe use a 1/4 of a tank after 5 quarter mile runs if the tank starts off full. I lose some when it's full out the cap...

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Gotta remember anything above 12 psi & it's spraying. So any spirited driving will use alcohol. Doesn't have to be WOT.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
You are filling it all the way up to the top of the tank we all assume?
Sometimes. And sometimes about 7/8ths the way up. I checked for leaks again. And I took the nozzle out of the up pipe and sprayed the windex out of it to check flow and it flows pretty good. I can't figure it out. I just went through about 4 gallons of meth in the last 2 months testing and tuning lol. That don't seem right.
thats 2 gallons per month. 1 gallon every 2 weeks.. don't see an issue.

Record stands at 5 minutes for the 1st gallon :)
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thats 2 gallons per month. 1 gallon every 2 weeks.. don't see an issue.

Record stands at 5 minutes for the 1st gallon :)

I'm betting you have a leak somewhere....Just did 3 1/4 mile passes at the track with using a little on the drive there....Still had 3/4 of a tank when finished....That's with a single nozzle and a slow car though.....

This guy gets that usage, and I burn up an ENTIRE jug up on ONE cruise night? How can that disparity be correct? I'm missing something :(