My Run-In With The Law

So I am out in the GN last night. A friend of mine that hadn't yet ridden in the car decided to ride with me to go grab some food. I had just turned left and decided to get in the throttle a bit in second gear. It was a short-lived run, but apparently there was enough "spool, whoosh, sneeze" that I managed to reach 58 MPH in a 35 REALLY damn quick. :eek: Little did I know there was a local police officer running radar RIGHT where I laid into the go-pedal. Whoops.

I pull into the drive through and am getting ready to make an order when the headlight pattern of a Crown Vic comes into the rear view and BAM! Pretty blue and reds flashing away. I was like "WTF?! Where the HELL did he come from??" He came up to the car and said "Man, got in that throttle pretty good back there, didn't ya? I clocked you at 58 in a 35." I said "Damn! Really? I mean yea, I hit the throttle but I didn't think I went that fast. Also, I had no idea you were there. I don't tend to blatantly throttle up in front of the police."

He ran my license and found all was well. He started asking about the car. "What's this thing got in it?" I said "Oh, just a little V6". His eyes bugged out. :eek: "WTF?! Seriously? That thing has some kick ass pickup for a V6!" He talked a little more, complimented the car a few times, handed me my license back and told me to keep it under the radar & to have good night. :D A VERY cool cop with a soft spot for hot rods and their sometimes idiotic drivers.

I figured I would share since most "My run in with the cops" stories are so negative. This dude was VERY cool and extremely nice.

Cool deal... Be respectful and nice and get the same in return... T
Baron its a good thing he didnt run your criminal history or he would have found out about those 2 dead...wait a minute....this is public forum, I wont get into that.:D
Recently I had the exact same experience.

No one ever talks about when they are let go, just when they get pinched. LOL!

Glad to here no tickets were issued. :cool:

Attitude is everything.
Once the suspension is set up I'll call you ahead of time to set up a meeting point. I can't wait to see that car. I did'nt realize we were neighbors.:) Maybe I'll bring my cop/GN friend.
DJ you're lucky. I once got clocked going 94 in a 55 on a back country road by a cop going the opposite way...came around the corner and BAM! there he was....ol boy pulled off in the ditch and flipped the lights and I knew I was had.

He proceeds to tell me "I clocked you doing 94 in a 55". And of course it was just an S-10 that had a small block 350 in it (didn't mention that) so of course I decided to play stupid...I asked "you mean it goes that fast?" :biggrin:

He hands me back my license "Yep it goes that fast...mandatory court appearance". :frown:
Ouch! I bet that one was expensive. :eek:

I got lucky like this once and not too long ago.

BTW For me the ticket is not the problem (just doing their job) its all the extra BS that some like to dish out that makes SOME of them pricks.

Cool deal... Be respectful and nice and get the same in return... T
+1 to both of the above.

Baron its a good thing he didnt run your criminal history or he would have found out about those 2 dead...wait a minute....this is public forum, I wont get into that.:D
Shhhhh.... That part is a secret! :eek:

How goes it Ed? IS all well again with the car?

Recently I had the exact same experience.

No one ever talks about when they are let go, just when they get pinched. LOL!

Glad to here no tickets were issued. :cool:

Attitude is everything.
Very true.

Once the suspension is set up I'll call you ahead of time to set up a meeting point. I can't wait to see that car. I did'nt realize we were neighbors.:) Maybe I'll bring my cop/GN friend.
Cool deal! I'm wanting to check out your ride, too! :D

Yea, get your buddy to come along. I have a good friend here with another GN. Maybe I can talk him into heading over as well. :cool:
good cops

there are alot of good cops out there, sure you may catch on one a bad day but most of the time they are just like you and me and have a job to do. i've had my share of both have a good day no ticket and ones that wanted to give me ever ticket in the book they had. just respect them and you should get the same in return, those guys have it bad enough dealing other idiots who can care less about life and stuff. i agree with the no ticket you never hear about it. we also have to think of the ones that go out to a call and everything is handled easily and nothing big happens. the only ones we hear about is the people who think they have to make a statement and see who's the better shot and try and take them out. my last words to a cop regardless if i get a ticket is thank you and have a good day. i know some of you may be like WTF but still a ticket isn't worth blowing your lid over, if your wrong your wrong.
Cool deal... Be respectful and nice and get the same in return... T

Not here in G'ville I'm afraid. Most everywhere else that's true though.

Just an hour ago I'm coming home in the T and traffic in front of me all turned off and left the road ahead completely vehicle free both ways. I eased into it just enough to make 6-8# boost and let off just as it hit second. You know, the wistle is just beginning and then you get that puh, puh, puh from the turbo when you let off. Momentum got me to 43-45 in a 40. The guy behind me turns out to be an off duty cop in his Hyundai. He comes flying up blowing his horn and waving at me so I pull over thinking maybe something is leaking profusely. He proceeds to read me the riot act about racing and doing 70 in a 40 zone! I said what! I never went over 45, I did not break the tires loose or even chirp them going into second, you never heard tire squeal and how did you come to the conclusion I was doing 70 you caught me in less then two hundred yards? He just says if he sees me do that again he will have me arrested.


off duty cop waving badge

Not here in G'ville I'm afraid. Most everywhere else that's true though.

Just an hour ago I'm coming home in the T and traffic in front of me all turned off and left the road ahead completely vehicle free both ways. I eased into it just enough to make 6-8# boost and let off just as it hit second. You know, the wistle is just beginning and then you get that puh, puh, puh from the turbo when you let off. Momentum got me to 43-45 in a 40. The guy behind me turns out to be an off duty cop in his Hyundai. He comes flying up blowing his horn and waving at me so I pull over thinking maybe something is leaking profusely. He proceeds to read me the riot act about racing and doing 70 in a 40 zone! I said what! I never went over 45, I did not break the tires loose or even chirp them going into second, you never heard tire squeal and how did you come to the conclusion I was doing 70 you caught me in less then two hundred yards? He just says if he sees me do that again he will have me arrested.



had the same thing happen to me well sorta, i just didn't stop, i was driving alittle more agressively then i normally do and it was in my 91 300zx and this guy pulls up next to me and starts waving his badge and stuff. he was in some slower car then mine but i didn't feel like making a deal outta it so i slowed down and like waved him off. for all i know he was a off duty security guard. either way i normally don't drive real agressive but i do have my moments. besides anyone driving a car that is notorious to cops know we always get a second look from just about any cop. just part of it, been chased down once by the city helicopter. that was awhile back, no charges and a few tickets but that was in the mid 90's. either way i was in my 20's then and really had my fair shair of tickets back then.
15 years ago, i was living on the so. side of chicago and when i pulled out of a parking spot in front of my moms house, i see a cop in my rear view mirror. i made sure i was doing the speed limit and all of a sudden he flash his headlights. i thought he was going to pull me over for not wearing a seat belt :eek: but it turns out that he has just bought a GN and was looking for a mechanic. he had a blown turbo. we talked and he was cool guy. also a good friend of mine is a detective in chicago and owns a GNX. he was the 1 that got me into GN's. its some cool cops out here, they like cars too.