My Run-In With The Law

DJ Red Barron

Door-To-Door Pipelayer
May 10, 2003
So I am out in the GN last night. A friend of mine that hadn't yet ridden in the car decided to ride with me to go grab some food. I had just turned left and decided to get in the throttle a bit in second gear. It was a short-lived run, but apparently there was enough "spool, whoosh, sneeze" that I managed to reach 58 MPH in a 35 REALLY damn quick. :eek: Little did I know there was a local police officer running radar RIGHT where I laid into the go-pedal. Whoops.

I pull into the drive through and am getting ready to make an order when the headlight pattern of a Crown Vic comes into the rear view and BAM! Pretty blue and reds flashing away. I was like "WTF?! Where the HELL did he come from??" He came up to the car and said "Man, got in that throttle pretty good back there, didn't ya? I clocked you at 58 in a 35." I said "Damn! Really? I mean yea, I hit the throttle but I didn't think I went that fast. Also, I had no idea you were there. I don't tend to blatantly throttle up in front of the police."

He ran my license and found all was well. He started asking about the car. "What's this thing got in it?" I said "Oh, just a little V6". His eyes bugged out. :eek: "WTF?! Seriously? That thing has some kick ass pickup for a V6!" He talked a little more, complimented the car a few times, handed me my license back and told me to keep it under the radar & to have good night. :D A VERY cool cop with a soft spot for hot rods and their sometimes idiotic drivers.

I figured I would share since most "My run in with the cops" stories are so negative. This dude was VERY cool and extremely nice.
Very Nice Officer!...

We have stupid ricers that leave our local drag strip & like to race on the highway home. I had my son with me when I took my GN up to drags a few years ago.

The officer was PROFILING the cars & passengers. My son & self wearing our BaseBall caps.

I got stopped. I asked the officer what the problem was. He said I was going 5 over LOL! He looked at my DOB while standing there handed the lic back. and said have a nice eve Mr. 6pak

Told my son he was profiling... because he saw my son, BB caps & hot car = easy stop. No harm done as 5 over is a waste of his time.
So I am out in the GN last night. A friend of mine that hadn't yet ridden in the car decided to ride with me to go grab some food. I had just turned left and decided to get in the throttle a bit in second gear. It was a short-lived run, but apparently there was enough "spool, whoosh, sneeze" that I managed to reach 58 MPH in a 35 REALLY damn quick. :eek: Little did I know there was a local police officer running radar RIGHT where I laid into the go-pedal. Whoops.

I pull into the drive through and am getting ready to make an order when the headlight pattern of a Crown Vic comes into the rear view and BAM! Pretty blue and reds flashing away. I was like "WTF?! Where the HELL did he come from??" He came up to the car and said "Man, got in that throttle pretty good back there, didn't ya? I clocked you at 58 in a 35." I said "Damn! Really? I mean yea, I hit the throttle but I didn't think I went that fast. Also, I had no idea you were there. I don't tend to blatantly throttle up in front of the police."

He ran my license and found all was well. He started asking about the car. "What's this thing got in it?" I said "Oh, just a little V6". His eyes bugged out. :eek: "WTF?! Seriously? That thing has some kick ass pickup for a V6!" He talked a little more, complimented the car a few times, handed me my license back and told me to keep it under the radar & to have good night. :D A VERY cool cop with a soft spot for hot rods and their sometimes idiotic drivers.

I figured I would share since most "My run in with the cops" stories are so negative. This dude was VERY cool and extremely nice.

Pretty neat story:cool: Where are you at?
Funny story. 14 years ago I was stopped in my 1st GN around midnight going home from my GF's and once stopped the officer told me to follow him. We wound up at a very well lit up store parking lot. Turns out the guys wanted a GN since high school and was wanting to seriously check out mine. We became very good friends and he bought his 1st GN 5 months ago {car runs 10.80's} I really figured he lost intrest in them after all those years. After going for a ride I was inspired to buy another one which I now have. It's good to have cop friends that love cars as well.;)
Cool guy for sure! The situation could have been very different if you would have acted differently. It's amazing how showing Police Officers respect and being honest will usually get you just a warning.

Glad you didnt get a ticket!
[QUOTE: GNBRETT ]Shoulda lit the tires up as you drove away....]

Then the OFFICER would have SHOUTED (AKA JAKIE GLEASON in SMOKEY Bandit) DAT SOME BITCH! :eek::biggrin:
Barron, I hope all of your paperwork was still in the console after the last time I needed them. Do you think this officer had a family member in Missouri?
Maybe these guys had a nation wide look out for your car.
Those dark windows give the Police reason to pull you over. I hope you weren't told to get out of this state also.
I woulda got tickets, searched, and probably woulda mouthed off a little ;) Then........... a burnout leaving........ then pull over a block down the road and get more tickets!

i was with my buddy in his 87 GN about 3 yrs ago at a red light, when a cop pulls up next to us in the right lane, asked a few questions about the car how fast it was and if it was a real GN:rolleyes: He then said, im gonna turn right, and he wanted to so see how fast it was, so my buddy hammered it, laid down some rubber:biggrin: and we went flying across the intersection, the cop just sat there mid turn watching :p
Cops like GN's

Yes, some do. Some have no clue...

Of course you think the cop is nice. He didn't ticket you. And if he did ticket you then you'd think he was a prick. It's the way of the world. :)

I'm glad you got a warning, though. And you do have a nice ride.
Cool guy for sure! The situation could have been very different if you would have acted differently. It's amazing how showing Police Officers respect and being honest will usually get you just a warning.

Glad you didnt get a ticket!
You are sooo right. Yes, he was a very cool guy. And I ALWAYS try to be respectful with law enforcement, especially when I am a moron and stab the throttle right in front of them. LOL!

Monroe? How far is that from Texas?:confused: I'm about 35 minutes from the state line.
I'm about an hour and a half East of Shreveport. If you're that close to the state line, we outta meet up over in S'Port one day. I know a guy over there who takes some killer photos. Might outta do a TR photo shoot. :cool:

Shoulda lit the tires up as you drove away....:tongue: J/k.
LMAO! Yea, I'll do that next time. :D

Barron, I knew all that power was gonna get ya in trouble!!! See ya, Bob.
LOL!! True enough. Maybe I need to turn that boost down some. :eek:

Barron, I hope all of your paperwork was still in the console after the last time I needed them. Do you think this officer had a family member in Missouri?
Maybe these guys had a nation wide look out for your car.
Those dark windows give the Police reason to pull you over. I hope you weren't told to get out of this state also.
It was indeed! :) I don't think this guy was any relation to the pr!ck you had a run-in with. I actually ended up talking to the Sheriff later that week and telling him about that little incident. He said he had a pretty good idea which State Patrol guy it was and was going to make sure to have a discussion with him. He said that stop was TOTALLY uncalled for and that no, people had NOT called in about me or my car.

Hopefully the demands for me to leave states won't happen too many more times. LOL!
I woulda got tickets, searched, and probably woulda mouthed off a little ;) Then........... a burnout leaving........ then pull over a block down the road and get more tickets!

That was my first initial plan. But luckily I switched to Plan B at the last minute. :biggrin:

i was with my buddy in his 87 GN about 3 yrs ago at a red light, when a cop pulls up next to us in the right lane, asked a few questions about the car how fast it was and if it was a real GN:rolleyes: He then said, im gonna turn right, and he wanted to so see how fast it was, so my buddy hammered it, laid down some rubber:biggrin: and we went flying across the intersection, the cop just sat there mid turn watching :p
Awesome! Gotta love it when the police TELL you to get in the throttle.

Yes, some do. Some have no clue...

Of course you think the cop is nice. He didn't ticket you. And if he did ticket you then you'd think he was a prick. It's the way of the world. :)

I'm glad you got a warning, though. And you do have a nice ride.
Nah, I'm not that way. Honestly, I totally expected him to write me and I would have still thought he was a nice guy based on his attitude. Hey, I was the one f--king up. If I had gotten a ticket, I full well deserved it and would have taken it without giving him attitude.

Thank you very much for the compliment on the car. :)
DJ you're lucky. I once got clocked going 94 in a 55 on a back country road by a cop going the opposite way...came around the corner and BAM! there he was....ol boy pulled off in the ditch and flipped the lights and I knew I was had.

He proceeds to tell me "I clocked you doing 94 in a 55". And of course it was just an S-10 that had a small block 350 in it (didn't mention that) so of course I decided to play stupid...I asked "you mean it goes that fast?" :biggrin:

He hands me back my license "Yep it goes that fast...mandatory court appearance". :frown:
I figured I would share since most "My run in with the cops" stories are so negative. This dude was VERY cool and extremely nice.

I got lucky like this once and not too long ago.

BTW For me the ticket is not the problem (just doing their job) its all the extra BS that some like to dish out that makes SOME of them pricks.