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Need a chip. Found old ATR Bit Bull in the car


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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005

I bought a car that i am fixing up to sell and i'm going through the entire car making sure everything is perfect. So far i see an ATR Relay on the low speed cooling fan, stainless dual exhaust, Some wierd contraption around the intercooler consisting of about 5 shroud pieces that direct the air in and around it and now this ATR Pit bull chip.

Ive read that on a stock car this is old technology and not really the greatest.

My question is, Should i find a stock chip to put back in the car or is there a better option that will help the car run nice?

Stock boost, stock injectors, stock everything. Except the ATR cold air intake and exhaust.

Thanks A lot.
IS there really an advantage of having a TT chip on a completely stock car over having a stock chip?
IS there really an advantage of having a TT chip on a completely stock car over having a stock chip?

I think so... better performance overall and the chip is adjustable with a scan master if you want to change any settings. Talk with Eric he'll shoot you straight.
Yes. It won't use the stock boost controller, so you need to get one. Now if you really want to notice the difference, order a tt chip for your combo. When the 30 degree weather hits in winter, see how difficult it will be to start your car and how it will idle. Then after a week or so of that cold weather start on the stock chip, put in the TT and report back. More than likely, your car will start normal now. No stalling and overall better car feel.
The stock chips don't work well with today's gas. They were pretty aggressive back then. And I thought the tt chip did use the factory boost solenoid if you wanted it to do so.
The stock chips don't work well with today's gas. They were pretty aggressive back then. And I thought the tt chip did use the factory boost solenoid if you wanted it to do so.
I think Eric turns them off normally, but you can ask him to activate it. Same goes for Bob's chips.