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Need help with 85 to 87 conversion


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Ok got the harness ran accross the back of the engine. Man getting to those rear grounds are kind of a pain. Tomorrow I will get the front accessories mounted up and then decide where to go from there. Probably going to pull the pan next to have it prepped for the oil drain. Thanks for all the help guys.

Glad to see it's going ok. You're lightyears ahead of me. My headgaskets are on backorder so I can't even start assembling anything. Conversion parts were nasty dirty and rusty so I have many hours in cleanup and paint. Currently porting the intake manifold and headers while I'm waiting on the headgaskets. I'm so excited about the 87 conversion plus better heads, 6765DBB turbo, and a badass transmission. Can't wait to get this thing on the road. Good luck with yours.
Ok got the harness ran accross the back of the engine. Man getting to those rear grounds are kind of a pain. Tomorrow I will get the front accessories mounted up and then decide where to go from there. Probably going to pull the pan next to have it prepped for the oil drain. Thanks for all the help guys.


Thats why I recommend the ground stretcher kit :-)
Thats why I recommend the ground stretcher kit :-)
Yeah I should have ordered that, But luckily since the whole fender is off I was able to get at it fairly good from the bottom. I sent you a pic of the fitting I bought for m fuel to see if its the same one you used or not. I hope to have the car back together for the most part in a weeks time as long as all the aftermarket stuff I ordered comes in and the rest of the stock stuff Im needing gets here as well. The thing that will hold me up the most is the oil drainback and also having to go and have a pressure hose for the p/s made.
Glad to see it's going ok. You're lightyears ahead of me. My headgaskets are on backorder so I can't even start assembling anything. Conversion parts were nasty dirty and rusty so I have many hours in cleanup and paint. Currently porting the intake manifold and headers while I'm waiting on the headgaskets. I'm so excited about the 87 conversion plus better heads, 6765DBB turbo, and a badass transmission. Can't wait to get this thing on the road. Good luck with yours.
What kind of headgaskets are you wanting to use? I was originally going to pull my heads and rebuild them but just decided to wait till I rebuilt the whole engine so I have the Fel Pro gaskets at work that I had ordered in. If you want I will sell them to you for the cost I got them for thru work and just a little bit for shipping.
Also I did not take my engine apart but the cars been sitting a while with intake off and I did drain the oil so will I have to prime the oil pump before I fire it up or will it be ok?
What kind of headgaskets are you wanting to use? I was originally going to pull my heads and rebuild them but just decided to wait till I rebuilt the whole engine so I have the Fel Pro gaskets at work that I had ordered in. If you want I will sell them to you for the cost I got them for thru work and just a little bit for shipping.

1026 for my .035" 4.1L. I ran the 1000s before with no problems but after looking at them, the fire ring was nearly sitting in the bore. The 1026 will give me just a little more.
Also heres my progress guys what do you think:biggrin:

Ive never primed an engine. How do I do it?

Remove cam sensor cap and mark position of rotor and cam assly. Remove came sensor. Using a oil primer tool availble from parts store for a chevy engine install tool in drill and stick into cam sensor hole. Rotate drill in the clockwise direction till pressure is seen on mechanical gauge or until you see oil at the rocker arms. You will hear the drill start to bog down when it starts pushing oil through the engine. Reinstall cam sensor noting to reinstall in exact same position..

Another method here Oil Pump Priming Procedure
Also heres my progress guys what do you think:biggrin:


I think you should remove the up-pipe and paint it. It is so noticeable and really help set off the engine bay. Other than that it looks like you are well on your way to having an IC'd engine.
Remove cam sensor cap and mark position of rotor and cam assly. Remove came sensor. Using a oil primer tool availble from parts store for a chevy engine install tool in drill and stick into cam sensor hole. Rotate drill in the clockwise direction till pressure is seen on mechanical gauge or until you see oil at the rocker arms. You will hear the drill start to bog down when it starts pushing oil through the engine. Reinstall cam sensor noting to reinstall in exact same position..

Another method here Oil Pump Priming Procedure

If I mark the assembly will I have to reset the cam sensor, or should it go right back in the right way and no need to reset the cam sensor.
If I mark the assembly will I have to reset the cam sensor, or should it go right back in the right way and no need to reset the cam sensor.

I always go back and reset it, but it is always exactly where I ,marked it. Better safe than sorry though.
I think you should remove the up-pipe and paint it. It is so noticeable and really help set off the engine bay. Other than that it looks like you are well on your way to having an IC'd engine.

I have a confession. I just threw most of the stuff on there to get an idea for it and decided to pull some peoples legs to make them think I was almost done. I will have to remove the intercooler, turbo, header, and some other items to clean and paint things as well as install some aftermarket stuff Im waiting on. It made me feel better to see it in that state as well. Oh well it wont be to long now once I get my last little parts in.
Does anyone have how the vacum lines are run to the vacum canister uner the drivers side fender and where they go from there?
hows the conversion going?

Its going ok just been really busy with work and the car club that I am president of trying to make sure our summer shows go off without a hitch. I also was waiting until last week for a few last parts. Im thinking that with a few more days of hard work I will have it done except for the oil pan having a bung welded in it and the power steering line done. I have been too tired after work to do anything and my days off lately have consisted of doing random chores here and there, but this weekend looks good for at least one full day of work:biggrin: I do have one question. Is the 86/87 drivers side valve cover thicker than the 85 one? The reason being is that I recieved two 86/87 oil fill necks in my conversion stuff, and with a new gasket on them neither of them gets snug in the cover. Any ideas?

Thanks Dusty