I also have tons of experience with auto shippers. I can tell you to STAY AWAY from Southerland Auto Transport. They are the WORST in the country. They are out of Anderson, CA. Just terrible people, terrible service, never trust them.
I can recommend a few:
Excalibur Transport: 712-369-1044 (Rick Bennett)
RI transport: 319-233-6128 (ask for Ray Iliff)
Demoss Transport: 660-845-2276 (ask for Val DeMoss)
All of these people know me; tell them Doug from Kansas City sent you their way. Excalibur is most likely to have upcoming routes out of CA. RI can also help, but might take a little longer, and DeMoss are my personal favorites, but they don't get out to CA all that often, but are worth a call anyway, as they are very good and very affordable.
Hope this helps you.