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You need set you're cracking pressure around 14-15 pounds assuming you want to run 25 to 27 pounds boost.... Run it tuner style with one hose from the compressor nipple to the wastegate. Set your for cracking pressure then hook up your manual boost control an increase from there. No "T"...
You need set you're cracking pressure around 14-15 pounds assuming you want to run 25 to 27 pounds boost.... Run it tuner style with one hose from the compressor nipple to the wastegate. Set your for cracking pressure then hook up your manual boost control an increase from there. No "T"...
Mine isn't ran tuner style. I still have the Y. My wastegate rod is about 1/8th" short of sliding over the puck arm. My quick spool controller runs the boost. The 3rd leg of Y runs to my bleeder valve which I don't use. And the Y is after my boost controller.
cars running great right now after i figured out those issues. Going to put the controller in with the Y setup because I had the controller in without the Y and it wasnt helping.. I also think I need a stock actuator.
Downpipe flange for the puck (RJC) there is no tension on the rod when I put it on the flange of the DP. And that has the car at 24lbs as it sits. If I back the rod down and more its keeping the puck open.
Mine isn't ran tuner style. I still have the Y. My wastegate rod is about 1/8th" short of sliding over the puck arm. My quick spool controller runs the boost. The 3rd leg of Y runs to my bleeder valve which I don't use. And the Y is after my boost controller.

What I mean is run it tuner style to set cracking pressure then hook up your manual boost controller.

Do not use a hd actuator unless your running 40#boost. You will see spikes in boost. Run the standard actuator with the cracking pressure set at 14-15#.

Measuring preload in inches is absurd. But a 1/8" is pretty much spot

There is a such thing as too much or too little preload.
Run just a hose from your wastegate to mbc, just a hose from the comp nipple to mbc... nothing in between.
Run just a hose from your wastegate to mbc, just a hose from the comp nipple to mbc... nothing in between.
i did.. But see the problem is my actuator rod.. They say to back it down to 15lbs i believe and then controll rest of the boost from the MBC. But If I back the rod down to 15-16 lbs. the rod is too long and keeps my puck open
You set the WG rod so you have to pull it out 1/8″ to hook it on the pin. I still use the Y and have a bleeder valve hooked to the Y.