new browser

No likey! Maybe they still have tweaks to do?? Where is my banner ad? Why the big gaps in posts? Never had an issue with the old setup except for no email notifications and waiting 45 seconds between searches.
I'm sure they are still adjusting but I agree with most everyone else, the new color scheme is going to take awhile to get used to.
thats another thing wrong with this country everyone changes things thinking its better. this sucks!!! but i guess we all have to get used to it.
Does anybody else find reading red hard on the eyes.:confused:They made the score boards at our local track red and I cannot read the darn things.The layout is different but not that bad.I just cannot read red for long:eek:Kevin
I understand this is the version we're stuck with now even though it looks just like every single other forum out there since it's the same version but we can we atleast keep the old colors. These rainy day, drab colors make my head hurt.
The red orange pink whatever colors are really hard to read. Also, the drop down menu to quickly go to the next forum now has a scroll bar which the old one didn't, and half the time the drop down has the right half cut off so the scroll bar isn't visible so it's just useless. Repeat after me "change is bad, change is bad, change is bad" (curmudgeonsRus :)).
Not a fan of it. Font size is to small. I didnt have to adjust the size with the old board.
Forum tools like Tapatalk are down for mobile devices. Guess not enough testing before go live, so I guess members will have find the bugs! Bring back the old wrapper until the kinks are worked out.
I also do not see my trader rating anymore. I think that sucks. I worked hard to earn my rep.

And yes I thought the old look was much easier to read.
This is not even fun going on here no more am serious this forum got destroyed in 24hrs I bet its going to lose a lot of members to the other buick forum
[angry mob]this free site that i access for free that someone pays thousands of dollars a month to run doesn't look like i'm used to it looking. this is an OUTRAGE and like totally goes against my right to see what i want the way i want to see it for free.[/angry mob]

seriously, tho.. it's a bit drab, but a few tweaks away from being good.. and it is faster- no waiting a minute or more for a page to load- if it even loads- which is nice.. and what's up with the "autosave" feature when writing posts? kind of distracting seeing that little "autosave" thing pop up every once in a while when typing.. and the little spinny thing next to the "quick reply" thing when typing is also kind of really annoying.. but this site is free to me, so whatever..