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NEW Dyno #'s with Alky


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Hard Member
Dec 17, 2001
For those of you who may remember back in December I went to the dyno with a TA-48, 40lbs injectors and a stock intercooler on race gas and 26* chip and boost at 30 psi and put down 378hp and 518tq.

I then went back around Feb. or March and made another dyno pull on just Alky with the exact same setup. I put down 388hp and 520tq with a 20* chip and 24 lbs on boost.

Well, I have since upgraded my combo to a CAS v4 intercooler, MSD 50 lbs injectors and a PTE-51 and put down 433 hp and 569tq at 24lbs of boost. On the top end of the dyno pull my A/F was 11.2:1. I made 5 pulls total all with in a few HP and TQ of each other.

This is all on the stock 50K motor, the valve covers have never been off the car, not even for the valve spring replacement.

Other alky users post some dyno numbers...
Congrats Frank,

Those are some impressive numbers!

Is that on pump gas? How much timing in your chip?

I need to get my 50's in!

thats an awsome dyno pull on alky. Any times on this combo yet? what convertor yah using...
Thanks for the props! no times yet with this combo, later this month I will go to the track and see what she can do on drag radials.

With my old combo I was in the high 11's... So I would imagin that this would put mid 11's.

As far as a convertor goes I have a Killer/Street PTS built tranny by Bruce and I use his 9/11 3000 stall converter.

Mine are in the siggy.

356 HP and 526 torque.

24 psi. on 94 with a splash of GT100 and the alky. single stage at the time. :)
Numbers sound very good! I don't worry too much about dyno pulls though. What does it matter if you can't get it to the ground? You should really fly with your combo and do much better than a mid 11.

Good luck at the track,
30 psi, and 26* timing? Holy crap! You got stones! :p

Betcha you double check the alchy system before you jam on it!

Did you try something like 26 psi to see if it made any difference?

Very nice numbers. You made a believer out of a few people there...

What the hell, God hates a coward anyway..:p
30 psi, and 26* timing? Holy crap! You got stones!

that was running C16 race gas.

I did manage to get to the track on friday, which was record breaking day for heat, I could only muster up 11.9 @ 112. I can't blame my 60 ft times they were 1.71 with my BFG's. I'm pretty satisfied with the run's in street trim. 20* timing and 24psi boost with alky on max. Hopefully towards the end of the year when it gets colder I'll be able to turn upnthe boost and run a mid 11.

426 HP + 598 torque on 92 pump and 100% alky with a 23º chip @ ~23 psi...TCC locked. My combo is: TE44, 50's, THDP, Walbro 340, stock exhaust, and a power plate. Since tuning I think the numbers will be slightly higher thanks to Eric Marshall and his unending desire to make this combo FLY!
Originally posted by turbov6joe
426 HP + 598 torque on 92 pump and 100% alky with a 23º chip @ ~23 psi...TCC locked. My combo is: TE44, 50's, THDP, Walbro 340, stock exhaust, and a power plate.
That sounds impossible to me! :( From reading quotes on this site, I used to be confident that I could put down great numbers. Went and got my car dyno'd, which has a TE-44, bluetops, THDP (open dump), powerplate, alky, Red's 93 chip, and other supporting stuff... and at 21psi I put down a measly 320hp/400tq, which is 100 less hp and 200 less torque than your figure!? The TR specialists that dyno-tuned the car said these numbers were normal, they had a car with a similar set-up to mine that made 10hp more than my car a week before me.
I made 411 rwhp and 608.5 TQ 6 months ago on a Dyno jet running 24 PSI..and AFR's in the 10.5 range.

My goal at that time was to do a comparo of the track vs ran 11.90 at the time..did not change a thing..went to the dyno and did those pulls. If I had leaned it out more for the dyno..would have made more..

Point is.. I ran a car that would get 760's at the track through the traps with 1600 egt to dyno..820's with 1500 egt' were way off on the if you tune your car with a MAF system on a dyno to extract the maximum amount of'll be soooo lean it will pop on the street or track.

Dyno's are toys..I only use when I can for 25 bucks 3 pulls ..or something like that.

Yes the 608 tq occurred at 3500 rpm's on alky w/93 pump
That sounds impossible to me

Not sure of the condition of your motor overall. However, you have the right parts to make this happen but I would dump the blue tops and get some 50's.

Also, who was controlling the car on the dyno? You want to make sure that the TCC is locked in third gear or you will get a much lower reading...

Good luck.
I made 411 rwhp and 608.5 TQ 6 months ago on a Dyno jet running 24 PSI..and AFR's in the 10.5 range.


I took the same approach that you did and then ran it at the track to back it up. I agree that you could lean it up a bit and get a one time high number... However, your combo will not be same drive on the street at WOT, that's why I also posted my A/F ratio. I can easily lean it to 12.0:1 and increase my numbers a bit.

My next test will be to leave the combo just as it is and replace my stock valve springs with the LT1 springs and see where the benifits are!

Good post.:)
Black Beauty....I feel your pain, however I was there when BoostedmaxPSI dyno'ed his car (I work there) and also went to the track with him on Friday.

With the TC unlocked, the numbers were quite a bit lower than his best. His car was a touch on the rich side when he pulled the awesome numbers so there was more there. At the track the temps were so high that none of us TB guys were running the times we should have. I'm certain a mid 11 is possible with his car.
Originally posted by boostedmaxPSI
Not sure of the condition of your motor overall. However, you have the right parts to make this happen but I would dump the blue tops and get some 50's.

Also, who was controlling the car on the dyno? You want to make sure that the TCC is locked in third gear or you will get a much lower reading...

Good luck.
I don't think 2 extra psi and locking versus leaving the convertor unlocked will gain an extra 100hp and 200tq! Two guys work there, and there's another guy that helps out, but one of the main two guys ran the car. The Red's chip should automatically lock the convertor, I don't know at what speed during WOT. People on this site claim that bluetops are good for high 11's, but 320hp/400tq doesn't sound high enough for those kinda times, good launch or not. I don't know if my motor's strong or not, but like I said, the TR guys at the shop said my figures were in the right range. :confused: I was quite disappointed.
This was at 21psi, the operator said the car seemed to need more octane to run more boost, and suggested a dual nozzle set-up. He turned the fp down, turned it up, it seemed to run best w/alky on full blast and ~42psi fuel pressure.
My car at 21 lbs is lazy. 320 HP..I'd look for other things..

I will tell you get to the real dyno..the track..make your MPH numbers there..once you have that..go back and dyno it..much more fun and entertaining to do it at a track...

Supras do well on Dyno's but suck at the track..I ran one a couple months ago..he ran 11.80 at 127 to my 11.74 at 117..should of seen the look on his 100K face :D

All 700 RWHP down the drain :eek:
Again! I agree with Razor. Tune at the track or dead end road whatever, but tune for MPH "NOT ET" After you reach your highest MPH on the track then go back to the dyno.

I can't stress enough that the TCC makes a huge differece in these cars. I'll try and get a print shot of my dyno with the converter locked vs unlocked and email it to you. And your correct that the chip does lock the converter. My tranny has a tendency to go from locked to unlocked right around the point in 3rd gear at about 45 MPH when we stomp on the gas for a dyno pull to unlock sometimes. This is how I descovered this problem with the help of "Little Monsters Hot Cars" where I dyno my GN.

Also there is a big difference between 21psi and 24psi depending on the compressor map of your turbo. For my turbo, 24psi is dead smack in the efficency range that I need to be in to make the best power with this turbo.

Just trying to offer a little help.