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NEW Dyno #'s with Alky


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I just called "Little Monsters Hot Cars" where I dyno my GN and had them give me my numbers agin with the converter locked and unlocked.

350 hp
371 tq

433 hp
569 tq

I'll try and get a print screen of these numbers. But there you have it.

I also have a te-44 and i dyno'd it when I had bluetops still.

I ran it at 17 - 18#'s on Pump gas (91 or 92 ), and cranked it to 22 with a 80/20 gas/xylene mix. I also had a FMIC.

It put out about 360 rwhp and 480 rwtq with the xylene mix and Thrasher 92, running very rich, and I don't think it was (is) running very well.

I have since added Alky and 50's, but haven't had a chance to dyno again.
Thanks everyone for the replies... and boosted, sorry for thread jacking. ;) The most interesting so far is:
Originally posted by boostedmaxPSI
350 hp
371 tq

433 hp
569 tq
So you are saying that NOTHING else was changed, ONLY locking the convertor, and you gained 80hp and 200tq?! I always thought locking the convertor gained more hp as in 10-15 extra hp. But if I can boost my power like that, I'll have to go ahead and make a switch to manually lock it.
Nice numbers boostedmaxpsi. That's it, i'm selling SOMETHING to get an alchy kit
So you are saying that NOTHING else was changed

Correct! I'm not sure how we got down this path on converter lockup, but it's atleast worth looking at and would'nt cost anything to check.

See if you can get on the dyno again and thru your ALDL port lock up the converter while the car is running and in gear then make you pull in third gear at about 45MPH and hammer it 'til you redline.

Check the GN/T-Type board on the lock pins. This is not what I do when I dyno because my convertor locks up when it should. I'm just mearly suggesting that you look at this and atleast eliminate it as a possible problem.

Your combo has the potential to make way more power than what your seeing. Have you ever taken your car to the track yet and got any 1/4 mile times? Your combo should be mid to low 12's easy.

Here's proof that you have more to go...

cjp69 wrote:

It put out about 360 rwhp and 480 rwtq with the xylene mix and Thrasher 92, running very rich, and I don't think it was (is) running very well.

Good luck!!!
Black Beauty,
My TTA laid down higher numbers than that 100% stock, something is wrong with your tune. Like Razor did, I ran my car at the track and went 119.68 MPH, went home, and to the dyno the next day and touched nothing....those are the #'s it laid down the next day. I've since picked up some more MPH and have the tune even finer, so who knows what it will make now??? I like to run it between 1585º to 1615º out the back door, and look for O2's in the middle to lower .7xx range.
I went to a dyno to tune before the track, and fine tune it to 475rwhp and 575 torque. I later laid a 11.6 @ 118mph. Prior to that i best a time of 12.2 @112 mph. So for me dyno testing, then heading to the track worked better. I used less rubber, saved on some wear and tear, and made some good runs afterwards. Got banned from the Hawaii track till i put in a rollbar too.:D
The only problems I have with dyno tuning before the track is that the dyno is not really indicitive of what the car will experience on a true drag strip pass, be it an 1/8 or 1/4 mile run. Yes some dynos will simulate a pass, but the word "simulate" is the operative word in that sentence. I have complete access to a Dynojet chassis dyno and I use it very little because of what I just said. It's nice to go to the track, get the car tuned in, make a record pass for the car and see what kind of #'s it will lay down on the dyno afterwards. Most dyno pulls are 3rd gear only and do not take into consideration wind resistance, parasitic drag of the tires, and in most cases, ****ty ambient weather conditions. A dyno in a climate controlled shop is not real world by any means, although nice I must admit. Then there is the age old debate that such and such dynos are better, and such and such dynos show higher HP numbers than the others...bla...bla...bla. It is pretty cool though to put an LC2 powered vehicle on the dyno when the shop is full of big block and diesel guys and lay down bigger numbers than they:) Can't tell you how many guys stand there in utter disbelief holding their chins and shaking their heads side-to-side wondering how a little V6 with just 231 ci's of displacement just wreaked havoc to their NOS sprayed V8's!

Can't tell you how many guys stand there in utter disbelief holding their chins and shaking their heads side-to-side wondering how a little V6 with just 231 ci's of displacement just wreaked havoc to their NOS sprayed V8's!

Same thing happens to me when I dyno. The forst time that I ever dyno'd the GN was with a Microsoft car club here in Washington and there was a lot of new Z06's. I put in nearly stock trim 100ftlbs more and the same HP that the new Z06's did. Furthermore, I couldn't believe how many owners didn't know what the GN was...

Second time I went to the dyno with a few upgrades a year later. BTW this is a completely different shop then the first one. The owner who has never dyno'd a TR before asked me to guess at my #'s. So, knowing what my first dyno was and the upgrades that I did I knew I was near 370 hp and over 500tq.

The guy kind of smirked and basically said people come in here with high expectations and then they see their dyno numbers and get let down. I'm thinking to myself this is going to be fun watching this guy witness his first TR pull on a dyno.

So, first run was 496tq. Somthing like wholy $hit came out of his mouth. By the end of the day I was at 520 tq and from then on he is now a believer in the almighty TR power...
Originally posted by LeesGN
Nice numbers boostedmaxpsi. That's it, i'm selling SOMETHING to get an alchy kit

That sounds impossible to me! From reading quotes on this site, I used to be confident that I could put down great numbers. Went and got my car dyno'd, which has a TE-44, bluetops, THDP (open dump), powerplate, alky, Red's 93 chip, and other supporting stuff... and at 21psi I put down a measly 320hp/400tq

I dynoed around 600 ft DA, at 21st Century Muscle Cars in Dallas Texas on a 90 degree day and put down 403/545 (NOT a dyno spike BTW) at 17 psi boost on 110 unleaded with an UNLOCKED D5 converter. Ran high 11's @ 115 with the same setup at Ennis, Texas a few weeks later. I will dyno again, new 9/11 'verter locked at some serious boost on 116 race gas (no alky for me thankyou drive thru). Their dyno is known to be about 20 hp lower than other local dynos from what my corvette buddies think, but, hell, bring it on I say...

As far as mods, um, yep, I have a 210/210 hyd roller cam feeding ported irons and some other stuff, TE44, V4, THDP, 50's, Jay Carter 17 psi chip...etc...
i recently dynoed at a dyno day and i see what razor was saying about dyno/track tune. i made 277 rwhp and 333 rwtq at 25 psi and open dump BUT with a 7:1 a/f ratio. ive never been that rich on the street. everyones eyes were watering. i know who ive beat and what the car is capable of now and tried to explain to the guy how does my car with bigger turbo, KN, and open exhauts at 10 pounds more boost put down numbers lower than stock? i was like screw this ill go to the track and see what "277 HP" can do. i do need to get my O2s down a bit tho and a converter lockup switch. next stop is the track unless my dad is willing to pay Cal Hartline to dyno the car.
will dyno again, new 9/11 'verter locked at some serious boost
I can't express enough how this was the single biggest improvement to my car to date. Please post again with the your butt dyno once you get your converter installed.
