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New Fuel Pump, no start, high pressure, hydro-lock


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Wish I Had A Clone. AKA Andrew Youlio
May 31, 2001
This ones has me a bit stumped. I just installed a new fuel pump and hanger, I primed the pump before and after installation (using pump prime connector and fuel rail hose to can) no problems. When i went to start, it stumbled and would not run. i added more fuel and checked the prime again, prime was good. i decided to run the pump more but with closed system and check fuel pressure. After seeing no pressure for a bit, i realized my electric fuel gauge needed the key on, turned key on and saw about 90 psi, I adjusted the regulator down as far as it would go, got pressure to about 65 shortly after i had fuel comming out of my EGR valve. WTF! tried to run the engine and it was hydrolocked, not turning over. so apparently i have leaking injectors or they just cant handle the high pressue. I took all the spark plugs out and cranked the engine, blowing the fuel out of 3 maybe 4 of the cylinders
still no start after that mess, the pressure comes up to 40psi on a start cycle of course the gauge turns off while cranking so i cant see what i happening.
heres what ive got planed
change the old billet aluminum regulator
install a mechanical pressure gauge
test the return line for restrictions

Anyone have a high fuel pressure problem after a pump install before?
anyone Fuel Hydrolock a motor before and how long before it would dry up and start?

Bruised but not broken,
This ones has me a bit stumped. I just installed a new Racetronix fuel pump and hanger, I primed the pump before and after installation (using pump prime connector and fuel rail hose to can) no problems. When i went to start, it stumbled and would not run. i added more fuel and checked the prime again, prime was good. i decided to run the pump more but with closed system and check fuel pressure. After seeing no pressure for a bit, i realized my electric fuel gauge needed the key on, turned key on and saw about 90 psi, I adjusted the regulator down as far as it would go, got pressure to about 65 shortly after i had fuel comming out of my EGR valve. WTF! tried to run the engine and it was hydrolocked, not turning over. so apparently i have leaking injectors or they just cant handle the high pressue. I took all the spark plugs out and cranked the engine, blowing the fuel out of 3 maybe 4 of the cylinders
still no start after that mess, the pressure comes up to 40psi on a start cycle of course the gauge turns off while cranking so i cant see what i happening.
heres what ive got planed
change the old billet aluminum regulator
install a mechanical pressure gauge
test the return line for restrictions

Anyone have a high fuel pressure problem after a pump install before?
anyone Fuel Hydrolock a motor before and how long before it would dry up and start?

Bruised but not broken,
I am thinking a bad fuel regulator could cause this with a ruptured diaphram, try pulling the vacuum line off the regulator place a rag over it turn the key on and see if fuel comes out. also keep a fire extinguisher close by when working with fuel system problems .
I have seen this exact problem from a regulator with a bad diaphragm. It pushes fuel up into the vacuum hose and then fills everything. As said above be very careful cranking the engine to clear fuel from the cylinders, you can easily start a fire from the fuel mist that gets sprayed out.

Also check your crank case it is probably full of gas.
did you mix up the return line and the vent line at the hanger
the vent is actually the larger line (5/16) and the return is 1/4"
the problem is the vent line into the hanger has a low pressure poppet like a check valve and wont flow fuel well into the tank if you mixed them up
the result would be a pump running up to its bypass pressure (over 90psi)
Looks like some type of return line issue/restriction. Put in an Acufab regulator which also went right to 90 psi. Looks like I need to drop the tank again. The old regulator definitely blew a diaphragm from the high pressure, had fuel coming out if the dome. I hope I didn't mess up the newer reg.
Thanks for the support. Will let ya know what I find.
I found a slug of hard white plastic in the hanger return line tubing. It took about a half hr to get it out even with compressed air. When it came out it shot like a bullet so i have no idea what it was. any how obstruction gone, pressure back to normal, all seems fine. thanks for your help.
I found a slug of hard white plastic in the hanger return line tubing. It took about a half hr to get it out even with compressed air. When it came out it shot like a bullet so i have no idea what it was. any how obstruction gone, pressure back to normal, all seems fine. thanks for your help.

Awesome good job there, now its time to lay down some black marks in the neighborhood!
Yep. Laid down some twin 30' stripes.
Glad I changed the oil after the ordeal. There was lots of gas in it from the hydrolock
Thanks again for the advice