I appreciate all your replies again, as I said before you're right, I'm not going to argue that. As Rmv said It can suck ordering parts up here, I mean I've done it a lot (and will continue to do so) so the first thing I always look for is U.S.P.S shipping. FedEx and UPS, on a 600-650- dollar order will automatically tack on a hundred bucks or there abouts, they are crooks it is generally "duty paperwork" or some such crap. Their shipping is no cheaper too as far as I remember.
I initially emailed this Archie guy to ask about shipping and "SE" fitment and another question and got a response that I thought I'd take my business elsewhere, it was something to the effect of "no, guy on Ebay is another seller. I ship FedEx only". That's it, that's why I went with the other seller with (U.S.P.S). I guess he got me anyway.
I initially emailed this Archie guy to ask about shipping and "SE" fitment and another question and got a response that I thought I'd take my business elsewhere, it was something to the effect of "no, guy on Ebay is another seller. I ship FedEx only". That's it, that's why I went with the other seller with (U.S.P.S). I guess he got me anyway.