I'm going with the fiberglass bumpersand probably having it painted black..Its going to be the poor mans GN..
well, it's your car so you can do whatever makes you happy, but personally, I'd keep the original color. There's plenty of black turbo buicks running around already

Not many cars like yours out there. Besides, doing a color change on a car is expensive to do correctly and if it's not done right, you'll regret it down the road. Your car is a good color and more stealthy than black since more people will recognize a "GN". (kinda ironic

) I'd get a decent repaint in the original color, throw some wheels and tires on it and call the exterior *done*!
Have you checked the original bumpers for the aluminum braces (inside the chorme plated part)? You might have the factory aluminum braces which is good. If your're going to drive the car on the street much, you'd better really think carefully about the fiberglass bumpers - they are for looks ONLY and offer ZERO crash/impact protection.
As for mods, it's always best to prioritize where the money goes first. Brakes should be priority #1. Since it's a 20+ year old car, you don't know the maintenace history and it's been sittiing for a long time - you'd be wise to have the entire braking system checked-out and worked over from back to front and top to bottom. If you haven't done it already, a new pads, shoes and new flexible lines should be mandatory and all that should go along with a complete system flush. Once the brakes are in top notch shape then move on to tuning and performance upgrades. And the brakes should also be #1 priority above paint, etc.
Have you checked gnttype.org for some basic clean-up, tune-up and performance guides? Some of the performance information may be out of date, but it's still a good place to start. One thing to remember is you need *information* about what your car is doing, in other words...gauges and a scan tool of some kind.
Sorry if you knew all this already, just trying to help.