New Southwestern Section get-together place

Ok, pick your poison for 09 Dec., 2006

  • Ruby's-Redondo Beach

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Angeles Gate & / or Fermin Point-Palos Verdes

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Fuddrucker's-Lake Forest

    Votes: 5 45.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Gary Wells

White turbo Buick trailer park trash
Mar 2, 2002
Ok, Let's pick a place for Sat 12-09-2006 for late breakfast and / or early lunch. I personally am opting for Ruby's-Redondo Beach because Gated parking, Ruby's I am sure will validate the parking, but I really don't care and I don't know for sure. They do for all of the cars that come into the car show Friday afternoon during the summer. Plenty of room, we basically can have most of the parking area for ourselves, probably holds about 250 cars total.
There are about 6 booths along 1 wall where we can keep the cars visually in sight at all times. Generally cute girls. Good food. I will go where ever we decide to go as a group though.
I thought it had sort of been agreed on already in the thread from turboelky ? I for one vote for Fermin Point-Palos Verdes, sounds like some nice scenery and photo opps for the cars. I would rather spend my money on other things besides a restaurant. They have BBQs to use and Im sure we could all throw something in the 'pot' for lunch.
Fermin Point-Palos Verdes link:
Point Fermin Park | Los Angeles | WCities Destination Guide
Thats what I was thinking also, TurboElky picked a cool spot

I am cool with that.
Hey Gary, instead of writing in my post, why don't you start your own next time, I know all those buttons get confusing at your age! And since money isn't an issue for you, are you offering to pick up the tab, since YOU were the one that 'switched' it to a restaurant. Seven people had said sure to the park, then you come along and start saying, Hey lets have it here, lets have it there, since when were you in charge of changing other peoples plans. Why don't you stick to moderating, we all know what a great job your doing there.
easily resolved, check it out. we can all meet up and hang at the park in P.V, it is great for pics, and its beautiful there. Has a huge lot, fits plenty cars. Then after were all together and wait for all the stragglers:D to arrive, we can cruis about 5 miles or so TO the Rubys in Redondo. Rubys is also cool, that is where I met Kevold for the first time and wanted to knock his front tooth out, but I could'nt reach:redface: lol. but the park is pretty sweet for pics, and that will make us all happy to be able to also cruis together and tear the streets up on the way:eek: ??????????hows that? but regardless, I know many of us took time off of work, and we need to continue as planned just in a new place. Bobs was cool last year, but I'm sure we all understand that business is business, and am happy to hear his shop is busy = more money:wink: lets get there early? 8 am and cruis to rubys at about 10:30? or just hang at the park? suggestions please.
Howcome there's no options for San Diego????? There's a few of us down here too.... (All we get is the Bates Nut Farm once a year- which by the way - Where the F$$#%^% is my plaque:mad: )

Oh well...
Hey Gary, instead of writing in my post, why don't you start your own next time, I know all those buttons get confusing at your age! And since money isn't an issue for you, are you offering to pick up the tab, since YOU were the one that 'switched' it to a restaurant. Seven people had said sure to the park, then you come along and start saying, Hey lets have it here, lets have it there, since when were you in charge of changing other peoples plans. Why don't you stick to moderating, we all know what a great job your doing there.
You are correct, I accidentally hit the wrong button and posted in yout post rather than "quote" yours. Money is more of an issue to me than to you more than likely. And even if money was not an issue for me, nothing in my response infers that I would be picking up the tab. Considering that you seem to feel that I have done some moral "sin" or "misdeed" against you while doing my moderator job, how would you feel if I was to pick up your tab for lunch? I really wish that you would have brought this up on an E-mail and I could have had an opportunity to address your concerns rather than address them on the forum, but since that it where you selected to post, on the forum it will be. I did not switch it to a restraunt intentionally, I merely opened up other selections which would allow others to select, and the other selections were restraunts. I did this out of respect for the San Diego clan, who have supported up several times in the past by coming up here, Fudd's in Lake Forest would have shorteneed their drive somewhat if the vote was to go that way. And I did not change other peoples plans, only offered an opportunity for other selections. And moderating comes second to hanging out with the Buick crowd, that's my first selection. And if you and / or anybody else feels that my performance and / or lack of it as a moderator in not up to standards, you are welcome to E-mail any of the administrators who I am sure will look into your or anybody else's concerns. As always, thanks for your input. It is always welcome. If there are any other issues incidents / events that you wish to discuss while we are on the subject please let me know? Have a nice day and it's been good talking to you. As a sidenote, is growing like the proverbial "weed". It is under new ownership/management and evidently they are deninitely doing something correct. I really doubt if any of the other Buick boards are growing like we are here, and maybe even any other car forum. I would really like to feel that I have helped in that regard, especially in the Southwestern Section. I am always open to new ideas, suggestions, and complaints regarding my performance and the growth of, especially the Southwestern Section. Once again, Jeff, thanks for your input, I will see if I can put it to good use. Oh, thanks for your support, too. Please tell your better half hello for me.

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Welcome to our newest member, josh watson
I know Gary was just trying to be helpful as he always is

I believe he was just trying to give options for other ways to meet up. Gary has always been a standup and friendly guy. Our get together is to have fun and talk shop, and maybe chow down. See you guys there, and Yes San Diego does have alot of spots we can also go to, but us San Diego guys would have to plan that ahead of time since this was originally supposed to be in Long Beach. Turbo 39151 we will come up with something for all to attend and I hope we can meet up to all drive down together. Talk to you all soon.
Dont mean to jump on you Gary, just don't know where your coming from. Like I said to Kevin, how about if Gary had posted a poll to switch from Bobs to somewhere else, kind of seemed like the same thing as switching from San Pedro after many had said 'lets do it'. I appreciate your concern for peoples drives from SD, but I too have came to Many events, and you need to consider driving from this end of the county too, I have met/seen many guys on here from this part of the woods, and many don't come because the get togethers are always on the edge of LA/Orange or further down.
Howcome there's no options for San Diego????? There's a few of us down here too.... (All we get is the Bates Nut Farm once a year- which by the way - Where the F$$#%^% is my plaque:mad: ) Oh well...
I did the best that I could on the San Diego option, and that was the Fuddrucker's option. Dunno.
I sent Steve hurst an E-mail Mon, 11-27-2006 asking about the plaques expected shipping/delivery date, but have not heard back from him yet.
Drop him a line. Let me know if you find out anything.
Steve Hurst (Hurstbuick) <>
Rubys redondo beach

I would not mind seeing a get-together at Rubys (RB) since I only live a few miles away :biggrin:
But my 5500 mile "garage princess" GN has been on sitting on jackstands longer than I'd care to admit , so i would not be bringing it. :mad:

There are so few Turbos/GNs in the South Bay area, amazingly I may only see one car every year or so ... no kidding. It would be quite a sight around here to have a dozen TR/GNs sitting all in a row.

South Bay's idea of a "car enthusiast" is someone who can write his name on a fat check to a BMW dealer, and who doesnt even know where the oil dipstick is. :rolleyes:

A question about these get togethers -- are they "guys only" or is it common for girlfriends/wives to come along??
I would think that significant others are welcome to join.

I must be lucky because my wife wants to tag along as well as my 2 kids...after all these are family sedans.:D

My wife seems to enjoy my car related activites...actually she was bummed out she couldn't make it to the Bates car show with me back in June.
I would not mind seeing a get-together at Rubys (RB) since I only live a few miles away :biggrin:
But my 5500 mile "garage princess" GN has been on sitting on jackstands longer than I'd care to admit , so i would not be bringing it. :mad:

There are so few Turbos/GNs in the South Bay area, amazingly I may only see one car every year or so ... no kidding. It would be quite a sight around here to have a dozen TR/GNs sitting all in a row.

South Bay's idea of a "car enthusiast" is someone who can write his name on a fat check to a BMW dealer, and who doesnt even know where the oil dipstick is. :rolleyes:

A question about these get togethers -- are they "guys only" or is it common for girlfriends/wives to come along??
Tom H:
Good to hear from you. Too bad you could not make it to any of the Donut Derelict's hangouts a while back. We had, I believe, 11 turbo Buicks and 2 TTA's there at one time. About 5 months ago.
I have a friend riding with me and we will be taking the turbo Buick to the park in Palos Verdes early AM and then leaving about 10 or so for Ruby's at Redondo Beach depending upon when they open for lunch. I don't know how many others are going to Ruby's, we might be the only ones heading to Ruby's for lunch. You are welcome to drop by Ruby's and join us for lunch, GN less or not.
A lot of people bring their better halves to these get-togethers.
Lets do the PV spot and run down to Ruby's later on for lunch. im down with that forget lakeforest, i see plenty of Lou as it is, and i dont want to invade his sheep grounds without permission..
Nope, the people have spoken, gotta go to L.F. now:biggrin: and at 10AM Kevin, it will be breakfast -Gotta be to the park at 8:rolleyes:, check the 'itinerary' on the other thread
So is it official? Is this thing now in Lake Forest? I assume it as as the polls indicate as such and the polls have since been closed. Nevertheless, I just want to be sure so that we can get some of the SD guys together for a good showing.
Nope, the people have spoken, gotta go to L.F. now:biggrin: and at 10AM Kevin, it will be breakfast -Gotta be to the park at 8:rolleyes:, check the 'itinerary' on the other thread

sorry but if its lake forest i am not driving there, hope you all have fun and what is this Sh** with people making decision for me i didn't even get to vote on the pole, so whatever.
come on guys, this is not hard! I dont want to go to p.v. just because its convenient for me, but because the converter in my trans. does not lock, and i'm scared if I drive any further than p.v., I might be on a flat bed home:eek: Lets just do the pv and rubys thing, we can i'm sure agree to wait until 10:30 11 ish to take off to Rubys, giving those people who think 10 is too early. I promise next time i'll be ready to go to sd, or lake forrest. Lets stick to the pv and rubys thing so there is no confusion, and the next round will be sd area hows that? unless somebody tows the elky to Lake Forrest:D
just kidding about that, dont want to see somebody pull up with a trailor:eek: