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New Turbolink Demo Is Out!


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i love the color display, it's sweeeeeeeet....i've submitted my request for the demo already....if you don't mind me asking, what language is turbolink written in...c++, visual basic or what?
Yes! :)

Seriously, it's C++ AND VB ...

Lots of COM and object oriented techniques stringing it all together. The demo is the VB layer (GUI). It's designed to make it easy to "skin" the GUI with a totally new look for each vehicle without having to rewrite a bunch of code.

The display changes when you load a new vehicle ...
the gui looked similar to one that my senior design group did for our pc based radio controlled car project before i graduated last may...i'm reteaching myself both of those languages....

Ohhhh MAANNNN.. I don't know if I want to see the demo.. I just ordered DS TODAY! I have been contemplating getting TL or DS for a week knowing that you were hoping to have a new version of TL out this month..

Well, I may as well check out what I'm missing..:(


WOW very COOL! Congrats on getting it done!!!

Hey, Ken got a few questions for you about the new version of Turbo Link.

I notice that version 3.0 requires a 9-pin serial connection on the computer. Version 2.13 requires a 25-pin parallel port. I've got my ideas as to why that has changed, but I'm not sure they're correct. The main thing I was thinking is that it is easier (not a programmer here, so bear with me. :) )to program data receiving on a serial port than a parallel port in NT/2000/XP. I know you can't change the speed of the ALDL stream so how is the "faster" serial connection going to benefit the program?

Have you, or are you going to add an option to support the "fast" data streams that some chip makers put into their chips? I know this was is a problem with the way the ALDL data is changed and v2.13 can't keep up correctly.

What about all of the ECM modes that are listed there? Backup? Does that allow the user to backup the data that is holed up in the ECM? What about the difference between the ALDL and Diag modes? I know what ALDL is, so is Diag a diagnostic of the ECM itself or it is another way to get some ECM to go into ALDL mode if they don't respond to the ALDL setting?

Ok...I think I've asked enough for the time being. Wish I still had my GN so I could upgrade to the new version and look all pimp going down the road with this running. :) I gotta rob a bank so I can get another Turbo Buick. I'm going through withdrawl. :)

Take care.
Question 1 - it's not a question of speed, but of compatibility for the serial port. Either port can be used, but experience has taught me that parallel ports can be finicky buggers! Serial ports are also something that is standard on PDAs ... <*hint hint*>

Question 2 - The "fast" datastreams will be supported *IF* I can get it figured out. That's something that might be a 3.01 upgrade... (free)

Question 3 - ECM modes are just that ... the modes the ECM supports (usually NORM/ROAD, ALDL, BACKUP FUEL MODE (limp home), and DIAG). These are controlled by the ECM and the diagnostic pins and aren't really related to anything in the program (other than they change the data that's returned from the ECM). They work the same way they do in V2.13 today. DIAG is just the "3K" mode and returns the same data as NORM for the GNs.

Now...go buy a GN! :) Then you can play all you want!
Originally posted by kenmosher
Question 1 - it's not a question of speed, but of compatibility for the serial port. Either port can be used, but experience has taught me that parallel ports can be finicky buggers! Serial ports are also something that is standard on PDAs ... <*hint hint*>

Question 2 - The "fast" datastreams will be supported *IF* I can get it figured out. That's something that might be a 3.01 upgrade... (free)

Question 3 - ECM modes are just that ... the modes the ECM supports (usually NORM/ROAD, ALDL, BACKUP FUEL MODE (limp home), and DIAG). These are controlled by the ECM and the diagnostic pins and aren't really related to anything in the program (other than they change the data that's returned from the ECM). They work the same way they do in V2.13 today. DIAG is just the "3K" mode and returns the same data as NORM for the GNs.

Now...go buy a GN! :) Then you can play all you want!

Well Ken, you've already got a sale if the new version will work with extenders, but if this thing will work with a PDA such as an iPAQ, as you've hinted, then I definitly want it.

Since you've hinted towards this, could you elaborate on when this will come to pass? I've been waiting for a good excuse to buy an iPAQ:D

Extender, yes ... fast data stream no (until this version).

You're not going to pin me down that easily for the PDA stuff :)

Download the demo and register and I'll be sending out an email newsletter weekly to give everybody who'd interested the scoop. The bottom line is, we have to sell some upgrades to fund the manufacturing for the hardware needed to support PDAs. If we don't sell upgrades, the whole thing is possibly a moot point.

Nothing like living on the edge! :)
Originally posted by kenmosher
Extender, yes ... fast data stream no (until this version).

You're not going to pin me down that easily for the PDA stuff :)

Download the demo and register and I'll be sending out an email newsletter weekly to give everybody who'd interested the scoop. The bottom line is, we have to sell some upgrades to fund the manufacturing for the hardware needed to support PDAs. If we don't sell upgrades, the whole thing is possibly a moot point.

Nothing like living on the edge! :)

I downloaded the demo several days ago, and I'm excited about it. It looks great and can't wait 'til it comes out. I also signed up for the updates and have been checking my email feverishly!

For the extenders, do you need to already have T-link and upgrade it or can I just buy the new version when it becomes available? ( I'll probably get the boost sensing feature too ). I'm glad I held off in buying DS, because I really wanted T-link in the first place, hoping that you'd come up with something for us extender users:D

If the PDA doesn't come to pass, I'll still get the new version for my laptop. ( One sale is in the bag:D )
