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I wish the Lion got him.

It is one thing to kill a animal for a food source but for sport is just plan stupid and I do not agree with it. It pisses me off to kill such a beautiful animal, to high five your butt buddy. :mad: :mad:
It figures that this came from some one with 27 posts. I also hate to see such a beautiful animal killed for sport. Hopefully, that lion's kin will make short work of you if you ever go over there. It is interesting to note that it took about 4 or 5 humans all with large game rifles to kill that lion, and that all seemed to take several shots each. Not much sport there.
Originally posted by Wells
It figures that this came from some one with 27 posts. I also hate to see such a beautiful animal killed for sport. Hopefully, that lion's kin will make short work of you if you ever go over there. It is interesting to note that it took about 4 or 5 humans all with large game rifles to kill that lion, and that all seemed to take several shots each. Not much sport there.

Hmm Wells. You're a pretty talented fellow. And this forums is even more amazing than I imagined. Apparently, due to some special ability you've acquired by simple virtue of instilling yourself of the magical powers of, you have become able to make a complete judgement of my character by counting the number of posts I've made. Remarkable. I'd best get to work, since I need only another 488 posts to become as moral as you. It must be like hit points or something.

I can't believe what an asinine post that was. I didn't say I approved of it - I didn't have any specific message to go along with it, simply that it was notable in a number of ways, because it was a close call, and also for the obvious reasons that you've pointed out.

I've never actually BEEN on safari, nor will I ever - you assumed too much from my quip - look up satire. Hunting has its place, but hunting animals which are not over-prevalent isn't something I feel should be done - there are terrible abuses of hunting on the African veldt. I'm Canadian. If you'll care to visit (which by the way, you're welcome to do - unlike you, I'm willing to take time to get to know somebody before I judge them and start wishing them dead), you'll find that we do very little hunting, and keep large expanses available for wildlife to exist in their natural state. A great proportion of hunting in Canada is done by our neighbors and friends to the south, which is fine as long as it is used as a method of animal population control.

Now, please, think before you go posting half cocked. And quit thinking you're magic and can tell who I am by my post counter.

You are 100 % correct. I should not judge a person by the number of posts that they have. And Canadians are generally pretty conservative when it comes to hunting, and you neither condoned nor condemned what was taking place.
My bad. Oops.
That was just the Macallan's Single Malt talking there.
Thank you. Apology accepted, and now perhaps we can be friends, or at least friendly acquaintances, since we share a common viewpoint. Have a great weekend.
Actually, make that 2 common viewpoints. We both hold abusive hunting in disfavor. The first being, of course, that Turbo Buicks are some of the greatest cars ever made.
awesome video K-DOG :eek: almost makes me want to get out a boom stick and hit the safari:o

Previously posted by:
"..............The first being, of course, that Turbo Buicks are some of the greatest cars ever made."

I am on my 5th, the first 4 being consecutive, with only the Z06 seperating the 4th & 5th, the one that I currently own.
Yeah, I wish that lion would have taken out that guy hunting..

I'm not a true animal lover but that was pretty sad....

By the way that guy couldn't hit a target if his life depended on it!!!:confused:
Originally posted by boostin6
Yeah, I wish that lion would have taken out that guy hunting..

I'm not a true animal lover but that was pretty sad....

By the way that guy couldn't hit a target if his life depended on it!!!:confused:

Perhaps he DID hit it, but initially it had no effect on the lion? :confused:
As I have aged, I have become more of a animal lover than I was when I was younger, and I hate to see animals killed for only the hunt, sport, or trophy. We have so few of the beautiful animals left. Same as the TR'S, there are so few of them left.
I would love to put those guys out in the woods and let me hunt them with real ammo. Gee wonder how they would feel. :rolleyes: :mad:
Trophey hunting is lame. Total waste of an animal. I would have loved to see that poor lion @ least rip one of those "hero's" heads off before dieing.
We humans think we are so superior to wild beasts, but without the guns, the scene would have played out a little differently.
I saw a doc. about a South African game warden that shoots Rhino poachers. If they are captured alive, they are placed in a pen with a HUGE Rhino.

have @ it. :D

Originally posted by Foolis
Trophey hunting is lame. Total waste of an animal. I would have loved to see that poor lion @ least rip one of those "hero's" heads off before dieing.
We humans think we are so superior to wild beasts, but without the guns, the scene would have played out a little differently.
I saw a doc. about a South African game warden that shoots Rhino poachers. If they are captured alive, they are placed in a pen with a HUGE Rhino.

have @ it. :D


Serious? Man, that's my kind of justice. I often say to my friends "Things would be different if I was in charge"
It should be made legal to be able to hunt 'trophy' hunters, poachers, seal clubbers etc....

Killing something to eat is is one thing. But killing something for "sport" is a crock of sh*t. I see no sport in killing an unarmed animal.

I think I missed my calling....shoulda been a vigilante hunter-hunter. :D
