No Lift? No Problem!

Tony Baloni

New Member
Aug 11, 2002
Need ta work on yer tranny but youse got no cah lift?
Well ole' Tony Baloni has got da answer again lifta lips
foyst, check da obituaries in yer local paper an see who's
died recently. Den go to da cemetary where dare gonna plant
da corpse an BANGO! you will find a nice pit dug. Just drive
yer GN ovah it grab yer tool box an a trouble light an jump in!
I did dis when I installed my shift kit. Well I'm workin on it
Mindin my own beeze-wax when outta nowhere dis broad sticks her puss
undah my car an starts screamin at me about how I have no respect
an dare tryin to lay dare fodder to rest. She's ballin an Ize tell
her hey, I'm tryin to work down here an I'd appreciate it if she'd
take her piehole off WOT, Besides I say, yer old man is stiffer dan
a set of Eibach springs! sheesh, some people have no friggin patience.
Oh a side note to youse dump pipes, for a safety pree caution its a
good idea to chock da back wheels of yer car wit a couple of
Never mind them "pretty boys" Ton'.Thanks for the solid advice.
I guess it also helps to make sure there's no,ah,er,wet cement in the bottom of the hole.You never know when a "friend" might trying to trick you?:D
:eek: Hey, I went today to visit my Uncles final resting place, and there's tranny fluid oozing out of the ground all around his headstone :eek: What the F&^K??? Tony didn't you remember to throw some oil dry down before you left?? What kind a mechanic R you??:D :D :D
Tarey D.:D

Good stories KEEP EM COMIN!!!:D