No Rotella ZDDP so how about Deisel Specific Oils? 15w-40

I'm just throwing an option out there...Comp Cams sells oil with zinc and phosphorous in it. I have no personal experience with it though. I don't see it in their site, but I saw an ad for it in Hot Rod magazine.
When I started dealing with engines and oil many years ago, they, as well as life, were much simpler. I try hard to keep up on current technology and trends and have a large file on oil and engine lubrication.

I do also need to mention that this is a turbo Buick forum where we are discussing a 25+ year old performance engine, be it used street or strip.

Recently I came across a technical paper about current history of engine oil and data from API [American Petroleum Industry], as well as comments from the author.

Here is a small sample of some applicable information which I think is appropriate in this thread. :)

"If there is a CJ-4 in front of the SL or SM, it is limited to 1200 ppm of phosphorous."

"The anecdotal comments and reviews of using diesel oil on various websites where consumers rate products show the famous “I’ve used it and have no problems” and similar comments. Without an oil analysis to see the wear metals, you can use any oil on the market, including an SA or hydraulic oil and “not have any problems” for a couple of years – as long as you change it every 3000 miles or so. But at 30,000 miles or so you will be repairing your engine, blaming whatever you want. I’ve seen dozens of engines rebuilt between 30,000 and 50,000 miles where this level of protection is used."

"This is not meant as a criticism of Mobil. They make some good products, but the engine does not care who makes it, only that it lubricates, cools, cleans, and seals.
Be careful of marketing statements made to sell obsolete products."

"Reading the label
Unfortunately it is not easy to read the label and make a decision. Marketing people make the big decisions and determine what the label will say in most cases. As an example of the power of marketing, I know of one brand that packaged oils in black bottles. They switched to red bottles and multiplied their bottled oil sales 5 times! The engine won’t run any better when the oil has been stored in a red bottle, but the engine does not make the purchase decision."

I REALLY like the last paragraph! :biggrin:

Just because it may cost more, that does not make it better for a specific use.
Nick Micale
3334 W, Marconi Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85053
In relation to Nick Micale's last paragraph about the "power of marketing".....this is a area I have some experience with since my father ran his own advertising agency for many many years.

Some of you may recall when we did a monthly printed newsletter...course at the end of each year we would insert a renewal slip so people would renew for the following year. Normally it was just a white response form. One year my Dad said use pink this will get a better response so one year I did half with a white response form and half with got a pink form...

The pink form far out pulled the white form....

Nick makes some good points....issues may not appear in the first several thousand miles.....its later on. why gamble? The company behind the product zddplus....has the largest Buick collection bar none....

While some oil companies tout they got zinc...zinc is not what you are lacking its the zddp molecule in the higher amounts (ppm) you want to be safe...

sorry if I got slightly off the topic....