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No start condition


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Went through something like you.

I wanted to throw a can of gas on it and fling a lighted match.

Everything I checked looked right. I put the meter away and redid the the checking with a load light and that is when I found my issue.

It turned out to be a wiring problem that the meter checking over looked.

There are two power inputs for the CCCI plug.
Chris, did you end up figuring this out?

Negative, ive drained the fuel- put new fuel in it ive purchased new cam/crank sensors. I have spark, fuel pressure, and injector pulse it cranks over fine it will backfire hard and sometimes it starts with a terrible misfire when im pedaling it like a small block with a carburetor. Most times it doesn't even start. It has a FAST XFI and im not a tuner so I haven't found someone near me to come plug into it to figure out whats in the tune. I haven't removed injectors which I might do this weekend. They are Precision injectors

It’s probably something in the tune. When I flashed my XFI to 2.05 I didn’t have the proper file enabled and it was having the symptoms you are experiencing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Went through something like you.

I wanted to throw a can of gas on it and fling a lighted match.

Everything I checked looked right. I put the meter away and redid the the checking with a load light and that is when I found my issue.

It turned out to be a wiring problem that the meter checking over looked.

There are two power inputs for the CCCI plug.[
Went through something like you.

I wanted to throw a can of gas on it and fling a lighted match.

Everything I checked looked right. I put the meter away and redid the the checking with a load light and that is when I found my issue.

It turned out to be a wiring problem that the meter checking over looked.

There are two power inputs for the CCCI plug.

Interesting.....ive honestly never heard of a load light ? How and what did you check? Ive checked continuity from crank sensor to ccci I also checked voltage at the ccci plug but never used a load light?
I have spark and injector pulse. But it still wont turn on....Its crazy even afyer I have verified spark, i spray starting fluid directly down the throat of dog house it should at least give me a quick fire up but nothing!! its extremely weird. I don't know wth is up with this thing..
It’s probably something in the tune. When I flashed my XFI to 2.05 I didn’t have the proper file enabled and it was having the symptoms you are experiencing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I never flashed it though? it doesn't hurt to have someone look into the file tbh. Whats hard for me to swallow I that I check and verify spark and I put the pplug wire back in and it still wont fire with starting fluid I don't understand mind boggling. I walked away from it to maybe try a different approach in a week or so because its frustrating.
Did the cam sensor cup spin. I was having same issue but with a TR6 ignition. Although my cam sensor did come apart which is the cause of mine. what Im getting at the stock computer I was told is stupid it could see cam sig at different times and start. The Tr6 looks for one sync signal .If it does not see it its done. I dont know if the fast is the same. If you have injector pulse and spark its has to be timing or sync between the two. I would think it would pop or something although mine did nothing even with starting fluid.Do you have a four channel scope? I would scope cam and crank signals and use number one cylinder for sync and you would be able to see where its at . I would think you could see all that using the fast system. Caspers sells the tool to set the cam sensor.I have never used it but I was told it works. I will be using it in a couple days. I just got the rebuild kit for cam sensor in the mail. I hope its something easy and cheap. Those two words and Grand Nationals dont belong in the same sentence . good luck
As stated before me I’m thinking it’s something with your cam sensor or crank sensor. Have you checked to make sure the cup of the cam sensor is attached to the shaft ? I recently had a similar issue where everything appeared right but the cups tang was gone causing the sensor to read wrong ect. These cars need the crank and cam sensor readings to start at least the stock ecm is that way . Is there a way to verify you are receiving both signals with the fast setup?
Negative, ive drained the fuel- put new fuel in it ive purchased new cam/crank sensors. I have spark, fuel pressure, and injector pulse it cranks over fine it will backfire hard and sometimes it starts with a terrible misfire when im pedaling it like a small block with a carburetor. Most times it doesn't even start. It has a FAST XFI and im not a tuner so I haven't found someone near me to come plug into it to figure out whats in the tune. I haven't removed injectors which I might do this weekend. They are Precision injectors
Since adding starting fluid was no help I might suspect the start up fuel in xfi is too rich. So adding more did nothing but choke it further. Also backed up by the fact that opening the throttle helps it.
Holding the throttle to the floor should shut off injectors, known as clear flood mode. Try cranking for a second, then try again hold it to the floor while cranking let off as soon as it fires. If so it needs less cranking fuel in the tune.
Interesting.....ive honestly never heard of a load light ? How and what did you check? Ive checked continuity from crank sensor to ccci I also checked voltage at the ccci plug but never used a load light?
I have spark and injector pulse. But it still wont turn on....Its crazy even afyer I have verified spark, i spray starting fluid directly down the throat of dog house it should at least give me a quick fire up but nothing!! its extremely weird. I don't know wth is up with this thing..

The same as I thought.

The wiring showed the 12 volt potential but would not allow amperage to flow.

Then my Air Force training kicked in. Instead of the store-bought light, I pulled out the one I made many years ago.

I could have just repaired the wire, but were the other wires doing the same thing ?

Anyway in my case the wire from the CCCI fuse to the module plug went bad. The fuse itself was good but even at the firewall it was not. There are two power inputs at the module plug.

I replaced the entire wiring engine harness with a new one from Caepers (at $911.00)
Did the cam sensor cup spin. I was having same issue but with a TR6 ignition. Although my cam sensor did come apart which is the cause of mine. what Im getting at the stock computer I was told is stupid it could see cam sig at different times and start. The Tr6 looks for one sync signal .If it does not see it its done. I dont know if the fast is the same. If you have injector pulse and spark its has to be timing or sync between the two. I would think it would pop or something although mine did nothing even with starting fluid.Do you have a four channel scope? I would scope cam and crank signals and use number one cylinder for sync and you would be able to see where its at . I would think you could see all that using the fast system. Caspers sells the tool to set the cam sensor.I have never used it but I was told it works. I will be using it in a couple days. I just got the rebuild kit for cam sensor in the mail. I hope its something easy and cheap. Those two words and Grand Nationals dont belong in the same sentence . good luck

I have replaced the old cam sensor with two Brand New ones. Brand new i even purchased an rjc cam sensor repair kit and tried a known good one . With no luck. When i tried the cam sensor my injector harness was unplugged to prevent fouling my plugs. And yes i do know that wot whilencranking will prevent the injectors from pulsing. Been going back n fourth for about a month and a half
Are the plugs wet? Have you washed the cylinders with fuel? Pull out the plugs and dry them. Disable the fuel system and crank it over. The idea is to dry out all the dumped fuel in the cylinders. Do this a few times and let it sit. Put the dry or new plugs back in crank it a few times and then add fuel.
Check your oil lever and smell your dip stick see if fuel is getting pass the rings. Had a issue similar to yours before with a stock computer.
I've had it happen that I had injector pulse but the injector itself was plugged or frozen. You can unplug the injector and with a pos and neg lead from a little 9 v battery- touch the injector prongs. (on the injector itself where the plug plugs into) If it clicks it isn't frozen. Simple little test that can be done only by unplugging the injector itself. Don't get crazy with the 9v battery but you will know if it clicks.

Of course this doesn't explain why it won't start even with starter fluid.

Check your TPS voltage also. Make sure at key on you are at .042-.44 v. There is an option in the XFI program to reverse polarity of the TPS so you see WOT voltage without touching the pedal. Which would then trigger a no fueling flooded start attempt.

Just a few quick checks. Chasing something like this is super frustrating. Just take a break and come back to it later. Cool heads prevail. Keep us updated too.