sorry I couldn't contribute this time, guys... I was there, but just as a spectator. I really hoped to have my car running for this, but I just couldn't find the time to work on it with school and other various crap i've been having to deal with. Oh well, my Regal ought to be pretty badass by next year, and a couple of my buddies are working on projects involving 500 caddy motors that promise to be ungodly fast (one of them is putting together a turbo setup for his), so I'll have to help them out and make sure they come next year, now that they are allowed.
btw, what is the rule on the GMs that can participate? is it ANY gm corporate car other than chevy? or is it just buick, olds, pontiac, GMC, and caddy? Because I have a friend with a pretty fast turbo saturn. It would be pretty hilarious to see him smoke a stang in the shootout.
we can win if we bring in enough cars, and we actually have a chance now that its open to some other makes. the problem this time was that we didn't get the word out enough to the T/As, the GTOs, the big block guys, GTPs, and other fast GMs. Hell, i KNOW there are quite a few really fast ls-1s in the state that would have loved to come if they just knew. Next year I'll try to do better about getting the word out, and everybody else should too. the fords have probably won the past 4 times mostly because there are way more of them... everybody and their dad has a mustang. obviously one of the keys to winning is bringing more cars than the other team... there are only as many races as there are cars for the slowest team. that means if we have more cars, they have to put ALL of theirs in play, and it ends up being them that has to race all their slow POSes for points instead of us.